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smart ass that was on that bus going to the ball game?" I said, "Well I remember a young man." He said, "It's I." He said, "I am just as sorry as I can be." I said, "That's all right. I've forgotten about it and it was a happy occasion. I appreciate it." But he remembered it though 10 or 12 years later.
But, Boyce, you know, right here in this same hall, it's been changed. As I say they've cut out the big window there to let the birds in and so forth there, but back in 1953 -- I called Pam, like she said I did, and I told her to check that old file, Mac Lewis. State of Mississippi versus Mac Lewis. And Sam Favre and I participated in it with you there. And I knew that he was found guilty in 1953, and you had just been -- well you had just overcome the White Plains deal there in White Plains, and finally won the election there after it was stolen from you. That was one of the first cases. And by the way, I have in my file there, about a month or so ago you sent me a picture of you and my daddy. And my daddy,

Russel, Dan 047
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