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Owner, Contributor,
Subject	Location		Date	Chptr	Type 111 us.		Published in	Other cosaents	or created by
Mollere, John D	>		\	>	hal	tone/np	Echo'42;50	>	>
Moaus home/before-after	\		1969	00	Hal	tone/np	Sn/Hrld;Catiille; 1-36	>	Bob Hubbard
Montgoaery,Non?an H/Br Hr	Prt Bienville		1980	35	Ha!	tone/np	Echo, BH Sp6/5/80;02	\	\
Honti,Claude/blcksfflth shp	Bay St,	Louis	1910s	24	hal	tone/np	Eagle?58;28	\	>
Montleone grocery	Bay St. Loui5		>	24	hal	tone/np	Eagle?58;40	/	>
Moran, Toisy & son	Lakeshore		>	28	Hal	tone/np	Echo?77;D3		>
Moran, Toaay/logger	Lakeshore		\	28	Hal	tone/np	Echo?77;D3		
Moreau, Charles G	X		\	27	Hal	tone/np	Echo?78;B7		>
Moreau, Chas G	>		/	\ /	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;33	\	\
Moreau, Chas G	\		>	\	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;49	/	\ /
Moreau, Chas G (young)	/			19	hal	tone/np	Echo* 42;02		"v,
Moreau, Chas G (young)	Bay St. Louis		18905	19	Hal	tone/bk	Along the Sulf;17	\	>
Moreau, Mrs Chas G	\			\ /	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;22		
Muller, George/faaily of	>			\	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;19	>	\
NASA/Gainesville	Gainesville		1964	32	Hal	tone/bk	Thigpen (A)	}	NASA
Navi Oceanographic Office	NSTL		\	Jvl	Hal	tone	bSfW brochure	>	Chaaber of Coamerce
Necaise fami 1y	Rocky Hill		1960	30	Hal	tone/np	Echo?79;B4	>	Mike Necaise
Necaise, Floran	Rocky Hill		>	30	Hal	tone/np	Echo?79;B4		Mike Necaise
Necaise, John E k Mike	Rocky Hill		>	30	Hal	tone/np	Echo?79;B4	>	
Necaise-john & victoria	Rocky Hill		>	13	Hal	tone/np	Echo?79;B4	\	)
Nereid float	Havel and		1985	35	Ha!	tone/np	Sun 02/11/85;A12	>	
Nereids Spaghetti dinner	Havel and		1993	35	Hal	tone/np	Echo?93/4/15;A7		?>
Nicholson, Eliza Jane	\		\	17	Hal	tone/bk	Lowen k Sail is	>	Tiaes Picayune
Nicholson, George	>		}	17	Hal	tone/bk	Along the Gulf;05	>	\ /
Nicholson, Mrs Eliza J	\		\	17	Hal	tone/bk	Along the Gulf;05	>	
Nigliatzzo, Saa/sped trt	Bay St,	Louis	1969	33	Hal	tone/np	Echo?92;D3	>	>
Nixon grave	Pearlington		\	10	Hal	tone/np	Echo?78;Cl	>	>
OLG Catholic Church	Bay St.	Louis	1958	31	Hal	tone/bk	B St L/100 Years;39	\	>
OLG church 1 SJA	Bay St.	Louis	1908	22	hal	tone/np	Echo?77;B1	fros postcard	\
OLG church k SJA	Bay St.	Louis	\	24	pos	card	>	>	R G Scharff
OLG church k SJA	Bay St.	Louis	\	26	pos	card	>	\ /	R G Scharff
Oil drilling	Hancock	Cnty	\{	31	Hal	tone/bk	B St L/100 Years;BC		>
Old Mill, Heston Libr Co	Logtown		ca 1905	20	Ha!	tone/np	Echo?92;Dl	(Mill No. 1)	>
Olivari, Julia/qn mrdi gr	Bay St.	Louis	1896	19	Hal	tone/bk	B St L/100 Years;62	/	>
Opera House	Bay St.	Louis	1903	'i'i L.L	Hal	tone/bk	B St L/100 Years;66	\	>
Opera House ruins aftr fr	Bay St,	Louis	1907	22	Hal	tone/bk	B St L/100 Years;67	>	>
Ortee Theatre	Bay St.	Louis	\	/	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;48	\ /	\ f
Ortee Theatre	Bay St,	Louis	\	\	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;51	\ /	>
Osoinach Opera House	Bay St.	Louis	1906	22	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;34		>
Qsoinach Opera House	Bay St.	Louis	1906	22	hal	tone/np	Her al d ? 58: A16	>	\ /
Osoinach Opera House	Bay St.	Louis	>	22	hal	tone/np	Eagl e? 58; 46	}	)
Osoinach children	Bay St.	Louis	1898	19	Hal	tone/bk	B St L/100 Years;66	/	
Osoinach, A G	Bay St.	Louis	1890s	19	Hal	tone/bk	Along the Gulf;A7	i	\
Osoinach, John	\		>	27	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;23	\	)
Otis, J Sidney	\		\	\	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;40	\	\
Our Ldy of Hoods shrine	Bay St.	Louis	>	\	hal	tone/np	Echo?42;52	\ }	>
Parade, July 4th	Bay St.	Louis	1953	31	Snapshot		/	\	photo by R G Scharff
Parker, Marion/fire stn	Rocky Hill		1958	30	hal	tone/np	Eagle?58;25	forester	\ t
Parker, Marion/forester	>		\	30	hal	tone/np	Eagle?58;25	\	}
Parker, Marion/tree sarkg	>		1958	30	hal	tone/np	Eagle?58;32	v	
Pass Christian peninsula	Pss Christian		1800	07	Line Drawng		Carre Si Carre	\	i
Paving apprch to new brdg	Bay St. Louis		1953	?31 U i	Hal	tone/np	Echo?53/10/2;11,1	\	photo by R S Scharff
Pearl River at Logtown	Logtown		\	32	Hal	tone/np	Echo?77;A4	\	Mrs Roy Baxter, Sr.
Pearl River scene	Gainesville		1964	32	Hal	tone/bk	Thigpen (A)	>	>
Peerless Oyster Co	Bay St. Louis		>	22	hal	tone/np	Eagle?58;16	interior	\
Peerless Oyster Factory	Bay St.	Louis	\	24	Halftone/bk		Hancock Bank?82;15	/	Mary Hinnard
Pep rally, Bay High (5)	Bay St.	Louis	1953	31	Halftone/np		Echo?53/10/16;11,1	>	photo by R G Scharff
Page 11

Scharff Photos-Postcards Index of Illustrations1-09
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Hancock County Historical Society
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