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Owner, Contributor,
Subject	Location	Date	Chotr	Type 111 us.	Published in	Other comments	or created by
rails/bay rr bridge		1947	29	halftone/np	Tss-Picn 09/22/47;01	'47 hurricane	Assoc. Press
rebuilding public pier	Bay St.- Louis	05/29/77	31	halftone/np	Echo'77;01	>	>
reforestation	\	>	20	halftone/np	Eagle'58;28	}	\
reg jersey bll/Dedeaux	Ddeaux/Seller	\	\	Halftone/np	Echo?77:D6	V	L J Breaux
regatta	Bay St. Louis	1890s	13	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;24	v	\
regatt a/BWYC	Bay St. Louis	1902	00 i.L	Halftone/bk	Hancock Bank?82;14	\	Chas A. Breath
regatta/BWYC/fsh clss	Bay St. Louis	1960	31	Ha!ftone/bk	Hancock Bank'82;14	\	>
resains of bch frnt homes	Haveland	1947	29	halftone/np	Echo,10/03/47; 05		>
res/Turner, Dr R J	Bay St. Louis	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;21	\	\
residence/Geunard, H P	\	\	27	Halftone/np	Echo?79;B2	\	\
restoration/public pier	\	1977	34	Ha!ftone/np	Echo?77;p.01	>	>
rims Danzigger hm	Burnette St.	1947	29	halftone/np	Echo,10/03/47; 06		>
rmns Spreen hm	Waveland	1947	29	halftone/np	Echo, 10/03/47; 06	>	>
rmns of Caron %. hiss	)	1947	29	halftone/np	Echo,10/03/47; 06	\	/
runs of Coleman/Rand has	Haveland	1947	29	halftone/np	Echo,10/03/47; 05	>	>
ruins/ Benhau/S.Hol fe hiss	Burnette St.	1947	29	halftone/np	Echo,10/03/47; 06	\	>
road/rail/sea transprtn	Prt Bienville	>>	O'! ?JL	Halftone/np	Echo?78;C7	>	Port ?! Harbr Comm ad
rocket motor test	NSTL	\	35	Ha! ftone	b&w brochure	\	Chamber of Commerce
ruins after fire/church	Bay St. Louis	1907	22	ha!ftone/np	Echo?42;15	froi postcard	
ruins aftr fire/bus area	Bay St. Louis	1907	22	halftone/np	Echo?42;15	from postcard	\
sai 1 /catafsaran on beach	\	\	35	Halftone	b&v brochure	\	Chamber of Commerce
sailboats at yacht club	Bay St. Louis			halftone/np	Herald?58;Al	\	
saloon/Baker, C L	Kiln	\	23	Halftone/bk	Hancock Bank?82;12	>	Birdie Mae Ladner
saloons/Freeman & B1 Gse	Gainesville	1907	O I	Halftone/bk	Thigpen (B)	\	Mrs Roy Baxter Sr
sand beach	Waveland		34	Halftone/np	Echo?77;D2		\
sawsill log pond	Kiln	mid 00s	20	Halftone/np	Echo?77;A7	\	Birdie Mae Ladner
sawmill/Arbo, George	\	1890s	19	Ha!ftone/bk	Along the Gulf;22	)	>
schooner Hoi Ii e Lee	>	1905	->3	halftone/np	Echo?78;D1	from postcard	Mary Perkins
schooners/evening saii	>	c a 1900		drawing	Hancock Bank?82;117	>	)
sea wall		\ /	26	Halftone/np	Herald Centnl;11-14		Joe Scholte?s col 1n
seafood shop/Ladner,Lloyd	>	>	27	Halftone/np	Echo?79;B4	>	staf/Leslie Williams
seawall along gulf	\	\	27	halftone/np	Echo?42;2	from postcard	>
shanty-boat bars	Gainesville	1908+	23	Halftone/bk	Hancock Bankf82;21	\	Mrs Roy Baxter, Sr
shell rd/B St L	Bay St. Louis	\	22	postcard	>	\	R G Scharff
shoppg distr aftr hrricn		1347	00 L J	Halftone/np	Echo?79;C8	>	John Damborino
shopping center	Haveland	>	31	Halftone/np	Echo?77;A3	s /	\
shotgun house	202 St. Chas,	\	13	Halftone/np	Echo?78;D10	>	staff/randy Ponder
shr imp/shr i npboat	\	\	\	line drawng	Sn/Hrld;Caille;11-20		advertis (Golot?s)
shrine/Our Lady of /woods	)	\	It	halftone/np	Echo 03/11/24;01	microfilm	>
shrine/Our Lady of Hoods	Bay St. Louis	\	12	Halftone/np	Echo?79;Cl I		stf/Leslie Williams
shrine/Our Lady of/Hoods	\	/	13	halftone/np	Herald?53;A10	\	
shrine/Our Lady of/Woods	SJA	\	12	halftone/np	Eagle, 07/31/5B;06	/	\
shuttle engine test	NASA	1980	?J J	Halftone/np	Herald CentnljIV-19	\	file
sign/Buccaneer State Park	>	\.	35	Halftone	color brochure	>	Chamber of Commerce
signature/J Hancock	}	1776	07	line drawng	Worldbook?58;3256	/*	Ayer collection
sis water routes to N,G.	>	1814	09	Hht on Bit:	Marquis James	\ /	>
si aves-iOSO/fsap 2	Mississippi	1850	12	Line drawng	Lowen & Sail is	\ /	MS in Maps
small craft hrbr	Bay St. Louis	>	35	postcard	/	\	R 6 Scharff
stir hn/Aldige,Mrs Jules	Bay St. Louis	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;26	(Villa Alice)	>
smmr hm/Q'Brien, Mrs Jhn	Bay St. Louis	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;28	>	\ /
smsr hu/Sears, Geo/Anchrg	Haveland	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Sulf;07		>
snmr home/Young, F H	Haveland	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gu!f;08	>	
smsr res/Adams, Lionel	Bay St. Louis	1890s	19	Ha!ftone/bk	Along the Gulf;28	(Nellie?s Villa	\
sm?r res/Dart, H P	Haveland	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;06	>	/
sfflinr res/Fell, John R	Haveland	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;04	>	
snmr res/Foerster, John	Haveland	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;	>	>
smsr res/Hellwege, Peter	Haveland	1890s	19	Halftone/bk	Along the Gulf;04	>	\
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Scharff Photos-Postcards Index of Illustrations1-18
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