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OMB No. 3136-0083 Expires:	1/31/94
1.	Individual applicant or project director
a. Name and mailing address
Name SCHARFF, Robert
b.	Form of address:
c.	Social Security #
(zip code)
Date of birth______=
(mo day yr I
d. Telephone number Office:	NA	'
(area code)
e. Major field of applicant
or proiect director
I. Citizenship U.S.
[ I Other
2.	Type of applicant
a- xxby an individual b. H through an org./ institution
If a. indicate an institutional affiliation, if applicable, on line 11a.
If b, complete block 11 below and indicate here:
c.	Type
d.	Status
3. Type of application
a.	I5? new	c.	?	renewal
b.	I I revision and resubmission d. D supplement If either c or d, indicate previous grant number:
4. Prnnram In whirh annliraiinn is beino made		
Vfin nw.qVn p fn-p		6112 PS
Endowment Initiatives:	(code)	
5. Requested grant period Frnm .Tan O. 1QQO Icfis-n . 1 T OO^		
(monif? yearf	? "^monlK yeJr)	
6. Project funding
a.	Oulright funds
b.	Federal match
c.	Total from NEH
d.	Cost sharing
e.	Total project costs
7. Field of project History
8.	Descriptive title of project
9.	Description of project (do not exceed space provided) This project is to produce a "standard? chronological history of Hancock County MS. Although the county has a very rich history of almost 300 years, no one has, thus far, assembled the information that is available to produce such a history. This will include all time periods from pre-history to the present, and all the county's communities and geographical areas in a book of about ?00 pages. Complete references, appendices, and further reference to additional material are included.
10. Will this proposal be submitted to another government agency or private entity for funding? (if yes. indicate where and when): NOT APPLICABLE		
11. Institutional data a. Institution or organization: non-affilited	d. Name and mailing address of institutional grant administrator: NOT APPLICABLE	
(name)	Hast) (first)	(initial)
(city) (state)		
c. Name of authorizing official: NOT APPLICABLE		
	(city) (slate)	(zip code)
(fast) (first) (initial)	Telephone Form of address	
(title)	(area code)	
12. Certification
By signing and debarment and>
,.ls application, the Individual Is providing the applicable certifications regarding federal debt status, , ana a drug-frae^vorkplace as set forth In the appendix to these guidelines.
Note: federal law pr USC Section 1001
uinal pciijllit'b i)l up to $ 10,000 or impr
up to live yeiifb or both loi knowingly providing false information lo an agency ol the U S government 18
13. a. Status of Applicant: SI Junior CU Senior
I vl .- M ----I 1 n_____. ,i??
For NEH use only
Date received

Scharff, Robert G 030
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Hancock County Historical Society
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