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In tlie ;*Natchi? Boom" at the new Judge Ged.W.Armstrong Llbrkfjrj?ftAtcherXMies. 1 came aoross a small booklet illustrated and entitled,
\	1	\	'	*. >	*	v	s	\	?	?	'	'
whioh Is^an aooount'o^ the^ldGirod Street Cemetary In NeW^Orleans, Louisana, it,'?being trie Plrst Protestant '
Cemetary in New Orleans" 4?^ dated from 1822 Unt^i ,1957^^ when the cemetary,'then an overgrown and entangled wilderness of vinds*?bramriles and broken'stones and vaults was , deiconsecrated in a specialvoeremoriy, afte^r whiohall (rei-Hia^ns ot trios* buried there'wer^ removed$ some to'prlvate oryjsts, mau^olftums'or burial'grourids in oases where descen-dents were knbwn arid notified and in other cases trie book, st^-t^s ^othe^ remains were removed and re-interred in the?
H^pe Mausoleum-Crypt 1083-A,Seotlon K, in St* John Cemetary, at 4841 Canal Street,^New Orleans, Louisana.-
Imong the cany 'ploture^ in'this booklet of mormupients, tablets, vault* and 'etc. i^ -a verjf cleeq: picture ?on Pa?A 3$*!
which it says "^bove 16 ft..piotuTA.?p^ thij^xjokeB.. . elsib q? the vault of the Thonia^ Shields family" and under the picture the|caption reads, "6ne of the earliest surviving vault tablets'was this one above of Thomas Shields,Purser, U.S.Navy, who died in 1827"-
V *	9	*	'	\	\	\	?*; A	\	*	'?	\	\	\	?	'	\	\ \ \ * \	\	?	\
The pioture of.the tablet is very clear and reads as follows-
sAched , v -
To The Memory'
? ..-f-"' > ?	. Thoraari Shields ,
' ' v ?	Purser'U.S. Navy
A	Who	died May 22,1827
1	aged 44 years
I thought this mighttbe interesting to you, Ag. and I.- In trie back or end of the lists some family%names of remains'that ltare privately re-moved and re-interred arid also quite?a number of (last) names of those other names said to be re-interred in?the orypt ( Speolal crypt for thlspurpose) of the above named Hope Mausoleum but the name Shields is not among ^hese?listed. Howeve^, a previous seotlon said ALL remains reaicved eto. eto.'&'also thistlast givinginames 'in the speolal Hope crypt said^among^ remains re-interred eto.-So,'girls; even tftb? we'knew'nothing about it?dear Great-grandpa Thomas' "Bones^ lf'any,'a^e stlll/belng taken care of.Strange ly, for y^ars I have wished to? the time & money'to spend in New Orleans (( ^Bay St.Louis ant^a ^r^p to B^>hem^a P^tnf) in
whloh to be able to browse around among old reoords eto.? %

Shields, Thomas 002
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