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?en at the Powell Studios by Pupils of Mr. and Mrs. Powell.
Tw.o recitals of unusual interest were given at the Powell studios Friday afternoon and evening:. At the afternoon ( recital the majority of the participants ? j Were pupils of Miss Minnie Hamscy,-{ J, a Mis. Powell?s assistant. Piano solos (.?were played by Misses Natelle Hirsch,
? -	a	j	i	?	-MTn	-
ill Ttlhlt
Phillips, b and d Into.
. Phillips, b 1ST2, (1 Ison.
?r, b 1 N4."? I Shelbyville, Tenn.).
e, 1 SOI id 1005).
Moore. b lSt*2 (Hooch Orov? Tenn.).
Ashley, INNS.
Ashley Moore, b 1SN0.
Shofner M. Moore, b ISO:*. N?orman Moore, b Ison.
Cox, Maggie Cox, Eddie May
-,;J___, 'TTMil Hhadleyr Marie Loven-
tftai, Mattie Lee Chatham, Kuth Jonas, Lquise Solinsky, Elizabeth Martin and *Bteatrice Williams, all of whom showed j}he careful training given by their instructors, and several, quite Unusual ?talent. Mrs. Powell is to be congratulated on having so successful an assist;-Jent. Vocal solos were rendered by Mis3 fftlelen Jonas, who gave evidence of a [feweet mezzo-soprano voice.
At the evening recital Miss Lillian Hewitt rendered the Bach Gavotte from '\he Violin Suite in G with breadth and [dignity, the octave and chord passages ?being particularly well done. Miss Bpssie G. Hifbhcock displayed a fine technic and good singing tone in the ^Ufficult Chopin Fantasie Impromptu j?lfi C sharp minor. Miss Alice Carroll ?kve the ?Venetian Boat Song? in F sharp minor of Mendelssohn with de-1 elded grace and charm, and Mrs. A. J. j Smith?s interpretation if the well-; known A fiat waltz was both artistic peii-d brilliar.t. Mrs. 1 Sail, Clarke smij;'
l,>re, b 1 s<; 1 (Shelbyville, I?enn.). ir I'iiniKm. 1KHC).
Overel t Cannon. 1) 1XNN. ilberta Cannon, 1) IK?10.
.like Cannun, b 1SIJ2.
'ilburri Cannon, b lSJt-l.
| *nnie Cannon, b 1S!)U.
\ila Cannon, b 1N11S.
.ncy Kvnline Cannon, b llHt.*!.
ier .Moore, b 1X(?I?. <1 1 s!)0.
- Moore, b lsGit (Iteeeh (Jrove, Tenn.).
n M. Ashley, l.syl. nnui C. Ashley, h 1X!C>.
!-? Moore, b 1S71, d 1X74.
loore, b 1NT3, d ISOO.
?. Keeling, lNO.V
Moore. Tenn.).
Moore, i^enn.).
b 1ST." (Shelbyville,
b 1NTS (Shelbvvllle
Moore, b 1NN4 (Shelbyville. Tenn.).
iK) John K. Shoffner. b 1N4T (Shelbyville, Tenn.). in Mary 10. Young, 1 S<???.
ill Madora Shoffner, b 1M>S, d 1ST3.

Shofner, John and Descendants 075
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Hancock County Historical Society
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