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Shoffner History.
and sometimes a very sad one, as some met each othe (?lad in emblems of mourning, and you saw them ?w for those who were gone! Then we began to realize tin there were Xhofners and Shofners on those ground? From far-oif South Dakota came Mrs. Angeline Wcbt with her daughter and grand-daughter. She said si had intended coming later on; but only the day befo she startwl came the circular telling of this great rein ion, and she just bundled things together, and here > was shaking hands with all her old friends and kindn The West Tennessee delegation was represented Thomas ?). Shofner and wife, Mrs. Daniel 1?. Shofm and .Mrs. Woosley?all of Tnion City. Mr. I!. Shofner was there from Corinth, Ark.; Mr. W. Cheshire (Old Snike), his wife, and boy, from Ro-wood, III.; Mrs. Kva Kuless Landis and four cli dren, from Chattanooga, Tenn.; Mr. Scott (iord< from Texas. .lames Morton and Terry Landi? the genial, musical 'I'erry?were there to rep sent Petersburg, Tenn. .Mrs. .John Keese and daii1. ter (Miss Annie), Mr. and Mrs. dim Coldwell two children, Mr. am! Mrs. .Inlm Kelso, Mr. I gene Landis, Air. William Shofner and daughter, . perhaps others whom we did not meet, were there f? Fayetteville, 'I'enn. From Mulberry and Boon' 'I'enn., came Mrs. Xancy Shofner, eighty-four year' age; Mrs. Robert Moore, son, and daughter; Mrs. S Shofner; Mr. and Airs. Robert Small, daughter, son; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shofner, daughter, and Mrs. Ellen Shofner and four sons; Mrs. Kelly Shot Airs. Cord Farrar and four children; Mr. and Mr-C. Shofner and two charming daughters, "Mary

Shofner, John and Descendants 092
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