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%-dlG oa.f?d?rj,^i............-.,_ -
IjifNj' :-	3	'j
| Capt.. ,1. V. Toulme?* Coinpnny , <;	(.'Shieldnboro Rifles),
I 3 Keg?c M ii?issi]>{ii Voluntevr:.*
ppears ?u
Company Muster Roll
(Tie orjraiiiiHtion named ulmve, oji110*1 into (he ? uLca-ot'-.ilm-Siute* ?f America;?
??//%/6	.
rolled:	__	?
Ipjn::	~	.
Jjhere	.......
jfastered mto nervier:
%ien . Dc/'f
Pi. wh MIU
K?Ui**zip &KUY.	/	.. V I
^JTwE: Tin; ^niiiiiii,ssii'iie<l officers, non-eominih- f ned~otticers und privates of the Shield<-bi>roin;h flesjsybnge mimes are affixed lo this muster mil, ftlif^'on tilib 5ili day iif Oot<il>er, I 86 I, I lanateiml Pj$ service of the Confederate Stales of America, 'imp presents do signify their remliue-s to ecrve (Aid Confederate States fur during tlie time ^originally enlisted iti ilie service <>( ilie State daniiwippi but do solemnly protest aeiiitist imv fltfo.ii of their term of service lieyoml I hut by JftriginaHy contracted for with the State of
kn:...............	...........
BKtcopaojr ?w!>?_ ?ucc?M?iY?ly ilMlgn?ie<l Captain ??Bpeoy,.C?plilln Toulnie?s Company, (Olil) Compnny Wiwiwippi inthntry-
jfefrg*-? *	?------?? -Cowri*.
f Capt. Robert Eager'H CnmpHiiv * ( (SliitiliUboru Kitfe*;.'
? Appears on
Company Return f |p of tlie orguiiiztttinn nnnirti above,
|^r for fclie mon ill of
aariiwtonedottioeni prtweut aod absent,;
pfHwnmrUM :............-Ji..
pt-Altaratoons srrae last return among the enlisted mm, S|T)ate ...	.	I	.St;
I*Renmrk* :
r-men on Extra or Daily Duty :
at enlisted men accounted for:
Jtf*^*00lhpa?7 woji HuccoaMivelj deaigimieil a a Cnpimn ?Vfcctnp^ ojvGaptain ^oalmo?s Conjpntty, lOld^ tt>mpai?r |f#w]CompKny F, fol	Miasisaippi	Infantry.
Mopy(5UMl?-t*rti*6 M. 3. Office. War Dejjaruruwtt. ro tf;<7T?PiPrtyloal record borro??l Xrem ilie Dtreoior patx) HUtory. Jftok^on. Mlss.^f. a. 938010.

Toulme 016
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Hancock County Historical Society
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