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hundreds of reasons in story form why Bay St. Louis should be . the preference of all desiring a resort whose lacking in perfection fell short but by one thing, the Bridge. Now that that is completed we may rightfully hold our heads high and salaam to none.
The Bridge edition will tell the story of the Bay, both in pictures and in print. Nothing will be left undone .to make it a publication of interest both locally and nationally and we?ll venture to say that when it is laid by the side of our powerful contemporary of New Orleans, it will easily be determined by its bulk.
The Bridge edition of The Sea Coast Echo will be a reflection of civic pride.- While we have yet to see a number of people who we are depending on for support, we have met with such success that the edition has passed the mythical stage, even in its infancy and has become an assured fact.
We believe that Bay St. Louis is the best little city in the State, the State the best in the 'Union, the Union the greatest in the world and the world the select of the planets, and this is the message in varied form that the Bay St. Louis Bridge Edition will tell to the four corners of the earth.	\	.
Mother of Mrs. Sylvan J. Ladner?^Remains Taken to New Orleans.
1 Death claimed Mrs. Francis Johnson Thursday following an illness of ?flue,? from which she was convalescing, the md ccming at a time when-she was apparently getting well, and was somewhat sudden.
Mrs. Johnson was the mother of Mrs. Sylvan J. Ladner, wife of Commissioner of Utili ies Ladner, at whose home she was visiting since before Christmas. It wras her custom to visit at the 'home of her daughter and 6on in-law periodically and it was while on one . of these stays she was taken ill.
*	The remains were taken to New Orleans Friday morning, following the funeral ceremony at the_ church of Our Lady of the Gulf, and interred at St. Louis cemetery, Esplanade avenue, of that city.
Mrs. Johnson was born at Belfort, France, and was 85 years of age. She is survived by her only child, Mrs. Ladner, and three grandchildren, Miss Fifl Hosmer ani Master Jean and Sylvan Ladner. Prior to her marriage to Mr. Johnson some years back she was the widow of. Simon Wangon.
The passing away of Mrs. John-
Plans for the building were drawn by William T-. Nolan," New Orleans architect, and the contract awarded to Geary an-d Oakes, also of that city. Plumbing was installed by Alonzo B. Hayden, Inc., of Pass Christian. i,
*	* ?
Grey Castle, a sixty-room hotel which is the first unit of a ?Cottage Colony,? was completed and opened during the later part of December. It represents an investment of $250,-000. The old-Menge residence which formerly occupied these grounds was remodeled and joined on either side to two new wings. Completed, these form a single building. The castlelike structure of the old home has been preserved and gives an atmosphere of unusual charm to both the interior and exterior of the hotel building. Massive plate glass doors, a feature of the original residence beautifying entrance. Within a tone of cool gray pervades the decoration of high-ceillinged living rooms. Wide circular stairways lead to the second and third stories. A low passageway closed by gates of iron grill work opens from the lobby into a brilliant dining room.
*	*	?
The unique combination of old and new designed by Walter Cook Keenan, New- Orleans architect. The building is steam heated and protected from fire by a sprinkling system. Every room has a private bath and shower. The managers of the hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Coutourie.
*	*	*
A three-story, forty-room annex to the Inn by the Sea has recently been erected at a cost of $150,000. The new unit	to	the Inn is executed	in-	the
same	fanciful style	of	Spanish	ar-
chitecture which characterizes the original buildings. Doors of ?bronze lace,? 125 years old, doors of sold hewn oak hung on wide iron hinges, a tower stairway, windows opening unexpectedly onto sunny balconies, these are but a few of the unique features of the new building. Every room is a varied combination of beautiful colors.
?	* *
Be'ween the annex and the adjoining building a "sea-court? and cloister are being constructed. A wide .brick walk leads from the court around a mirror pool to poin the six-foot prominade which extends 1,000 feet along the beach. This is protected on the outer side by a small seawall.
With the new annex, the Inn by the Sea contains 100 guest rooms, five bridal suites, twenty-two balconies. It is. steam heated throughout and protected from?fire by three separate sprinkler systems.
*	*	?*	.? (s'	"	' ?
In Beach Hurst, ?,subdivision on East Beach boulevard,'^two private homes are in process orconstruction. The home of'John Legier, of New Orleans, is a uniqnejexample of,the man-y gablpd, steep roofed architec-
1 iiis still was loc bratfch above the vii Both places were i tion$, almost inacce murder, these things alert officer will fi the^ guilty. But for least ,the owners or still were not aroun made.
Assisting Sheriff ? uty:Ladner Miller, of t T. W. Mitchell, < artdVDeputy Oscar F?
HANCOCK CO ;bank at f OPEN FE?
Spirit of Progrt fied in New Ba Pass Chri
Op Saturday, Feb evefrt not only for P; for jthe entire Mississ will be the lormai new banking buiidin; cock County Bank, ol me, puDuc is coraiai. present for this ausj Xribuie to such erne cess is well worthy.
There will be no acted at the new bu Devoted entirely to p <?nu reception oi gues to ^dedicate the entii one purpose only.
iiowtvcr, on Mond ?oWing, February latl do ready for business might not visit Satin Axohday.
Ine Mississippi Gul prdud of tms, tne la vO bank ouiidings, rep ?ihe Duiiuing ed/at a cost ot $/5,i /eptesenis an ouaay io(j,~6aid to be the tii uny business corner oa^ring none. It is ironc, corner D a corner opposite thi van Gulf.Hotel.
Constructed of palt -iediord stone, the b iy attracts attention lh^re is color and ito vie exterior that comb dignUy.
Plana for the build oy ! Vy linam IV Nolan chitect of New Orlean by Geary and Oakes, iean? and Bay^St. .* Lc Hayd en,s;V Inc.,'? of . ] plumbing and heating i'AjlWW. Acquisition are, th e mo~dern'\safet in a Vault that'offers to any found in the? b . - It is interesting'to i

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