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not now, nor ever have envied anyone. I have lived a full and rich life, have seen most of this world, have enjoyed the confidence of my friends and the respect of my enemies, but most of all I have known the love of a wonderful wife and children.
I regret to end this short history of the years I have lived, with dismay, but after being invited to embrace Communism at the age of 16 and having been wise enough to reject what I realized then, that I had been asked to become a member of a criminal conspiracy dedicated to world conquest. And having fought that monster with pen and word of mouth through the years to no avail, realizing all the while that most of our leaders had sold out to the enemy; I am now convinced without reservation, that our beloved Nation is headed.for bankruptcy, anarchy and dictatorship. We will then become a slave-state in a one-world government. All because we failed to heed the advice of the greatest of all leaders, George Washington. Read his Farewell Address.
I suppose it is too late, too late to take our once-great country back from the International Conspiracy and the traitors who made their wishes possible. I am speaking of the 14th, 16th, 17th and the recent 25th amendments to our constitution, and the abuse of Executive orders. Our once representative republic is not representative anymore. The White majority is now ignored because the minority groups embrace every wish expressed by, and every act enacted by a liberal Congress and enforced by liberal judges appointed for life! Taxes paid by the great White middle class are squandered by those who have taken our nation off the gold and silver standards, debased our coins, devalued our dollar, and depleted our gold. In recent years the government has blamed inflation on everything but themselves! Deficit spending cannot be stopped by printing more worthless dollars, neither can inflation!
In relation to the above lengthy paragraph, we Americans did not want Carter to pardon draft dodgers, but he did! We have no use for the metric system, but we are getting it! We do not want to recognize Communist Cuba, but we Will be forced to do it! We do not want to lose our lifeline to the Pacific Ocean, but we will!

True, Jim Yours Truly-043
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