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iWU ?x3i Muu,-M
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83N?ni V XMWW
?;7in -;h-.ok3 lit. umont,	s
July 9, ,	7
. r. 'iirnci',
i-.arly today I talked with your mother and --he .suii t:i??;tr you ve?e do in;' ?/<relon the jurner ftn'l us-sar-l Tj .'la of /our ri ..1 y tree. j' nm rloin^ . orV on the '5ylve?ter side nj: my family vhich .>e both have in a-~>	and <5he. ?n??'1 that nhe thou'Ch t you woxu d be
jntp/re-ite-.1 in having \7hat i have on the h'ylvcster 1 ine.
j have enclosed a cony of ,tames A. A.ibur*y ^?/lvester's Civil ./ar record for you, a cony of hi.n obituary, and a nrint of a -'a ?mfu-ro tyn>e of hiii. , nm s ti 11 /nr; inrr on this Line and think that 'vhen it is commiete it ?rill !->e found that the 3-rives ter <5 T-?ere ?'?'r^nch : tK-'ueno ts ?.dio came to Couth Carolina early in the 1600 * s or 17001s.
.vln?n iiiiil. if you are interested la ?orkinr on the ??J;/Ives ter ii e of -/our family X /ill be ha ?-.-?->*/ to Tend y:.u -./hr.r X h ve. At this time x i ave sent off for an Asberry .S-/Ives ter *:s ' -ill tha t. was ^r obat e'1 In d.uth vJ.-rolinn. e is listed on r>. 17 or the l?oo South. Carol J na census for Camden district,
Cl.-I re mo n.t County. Ce is in the 3rd column -near tl.e lowavfi 3rd of '-'he na"e.
hen I more on this line I rill sen 1 it to
you. x ! 'me that this ?;i\'es you a little more on yon-*- f nily line. :ood Inch ?ith your oiher f mu il-?^s.
i vs 1-t-u'! y,
: m? i-'ia -lr-Ver

Turner 013
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