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?' pa t .. .	*	.	*	?	?.? I i..	.	v,	.	^	.	t	,	,	j'	*	*	[; JTU; a i' V J.ul) L * I- . * -1 *?	vi?. i d* aC.ill
,.i u^vcii	,	.?>.!.;.	i.v.majJYiA'ji.V-Arl, in the i>:>nu y--^v v~ ms
';;;: v'v'* ?v-i..v.,ter Dio"x\t	o. oi' which place riti w;.:; r nigh Iy
* - ?'	riiiaen	u.itil November.. ?}. whan he removed wi th hi ??; fa.ailv
. \j ?! i ?? ii i 1 c oil A1 a oama ?
Anong iii:; new associates he ssusta ^'nc	algh	character that
w.?;i:Lnguished him in the land of hi'-, n uc^ i-y c-.,\d mcrtcr.t?-> and retired .;r.	ull hir? habits, 'oyp. li?u o? wu\ 1 v-.?ercf;. itidxia try* i ^ealoun-,
irue, anti honest di jcharge of ail the awtioc o- a citizen, in the short time he lived among them, he gained their .?;nr-re confidence and esteem, heath, however, put an end to a life of vio'ue and usefulaess in a n:anner painful as it was originally unexpected.
dis il;i-?::s w:n ca-usod by the eirtractic] of a tooth, v/hich, ore-'iucing a diseasr: thn c the bus t medical and surgica as 5ist*vice was irad-euate to relieve, a-ter three "icnths of uni\mi ?.ec. agony brought Uis. to the gc:?ve; a perio ' of trial and suffering uuuk. subservient by hi;:, to the cause of relig-ion, and which he availed him"If with the greatest earnest-rtdss of	puroose	to impress	on the mine!.!; of :ho.-;a	who surr--unded him	on
the bed	of	-With the great	virtue of a reliance	on that Gad, vhooe.	sacred
word inf.vrr's .us " in the midst of life -;e are in death?
A void ha;- been created by the death tv Mr* Sylvester in the circle in which he "oved, which will ioiig -remain u'tfi-lad, a:;d those who knew him bast car. best appreciate the loss of su^hys, man to any society, .In all the relations of life his character was without blenish; as hushanc, father, master, and fried, religions tindeiniess, justice, and liberality combined in him to form the perfect nioc-il o:? a Christian gentlerran.
liis bciv.vcd family h=ve the-:consol atio-:. of huowing that such a life ?r.d such. .ii 'i^rth endures the greit reward vV ich God has orcr.ised to all who love i-ad sivrve him. Let them., therefore, -lot grieve li e those who have no hope, but with Christian faith be. assured that he has co'r^.er.cec an eternity of happiness on God?s right hand, where death nor scrrov; never .a -re cm c.-m.e. "For wh. t was his: hope? Truly his hope was even in God." jvaieu,
*' ? I?.. A.. SYLVES'ilSWaBA* S:?. LOUIS, MI ? ISSIP^I
??r.Lisved in	the state of Alabama	in Oc > ober 1861.
Coiay>any 1-^3	Alabaraa, Volenteers.
Frar.k Beck Is. V. Uua . i i. Vi. S y 1 v e^? 'C e.r -. '.-i I'd Tuns ta 11 ?>. t!* Milos
:n'.'i;ir,?,rd May 2, I'i'ii
CiYpta x\\
1st Lieutenant 2nd ?
3rd "
A. F. C. M^ r.'^-

Turner 027
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