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*	Thomas Blanks Turner
Thomas li. Turner wa* born July 180b and died January 21, 1U3-J, beinp C6 years, & munths and 21 day* of age.
Thos. H. Tuiiif) was born in Greenville, Mississippi. He spent hie boyhood days in Nashville, Tenn. Hi* early business cartel was spent in Day St. Loius, Mi**., where hi' wa* connected with the Standard Oil Co. Here he married Lnima Sylvester, and from this union three children were born.
He moved to Winntboro in 1913 and for 17 years was actively engaged in the Mercantile busineas with his son, R. J. Turner. During his residence in Winnsboro, he has tak?n an active part in business and civic affairs.
From boyhood years he has served unceasingly in th?; Methodist Church in nearly every office available to a layman. Kor twenty years was superintendent of the Sunday school, and for forty years served as steward. Was endowed with an unusual religious heritage from parents that served before him. His faith, love of God and complete life of service to his Master, were expressed beautifully, in his last days, as hi*- last expression wu?>: **11 is sweet to know there is a place to go?that is heaven."
T. B. Turner always carried his part 100 per cent in civic, business and religious affairs. Served as steward in tho Methodist Church of Winnsboro for fifteen years, and the men associated with him in this capacity, were active Pall bearers.
Services were held in the Methodiit Church by Kev. 0. P. Kiker. Interment was in Lee cemetery. He is survived by hi* wife, Emma S. Turner and children, Mrs. G. C. Cannon of Lamesa, T. B. Turner, Jr., of Beaumont, and R. J. Turner of Tyler, four grandchildren, all of whom were present at the death and burial.
A statement made by one of the prominent men of Winnsboro ex-preshcs the feeling that Winnsboro has for the passing of such a man: ?Winnsboro bemoans the passing of a man that no one ever heard a remark against.?
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I Tbcre wen- 2? Ivnrhi**** **? ? ' " ciav -j.. ? .
thanking the many friends ano neigu* hors for their untiring ?ervic<c, wordr ?f comfort and beautiful floral of ftrngs in the late Ulneai and .leath oi our dear husbapd and lath?r.
GudV	"Weaiin** be with you
? Ur*. T. lJ. Turner, Mr. and Mr*. C. C. Cai.non, Mr. and Mrs. T. li lur-r.ti, Jr., Mr. and Mr*. H. J Turr./r.

Turner 061
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