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> WMi
P Oepuited this life, on l?ie?Jli?t February la&t, at hid )[ re^idrnce in Washington county* Alubamfc, J AMLrf i i jrl-' -SVLVES i?ll ii - i,J ilw 52d year o! his uge. a na-ibv. ot .Rainier jJjstrict, S. C. of which place he was h;. Jjighly esteemed ciuzea iiniU November, l&i-l, wken . hereinrived -f/ith his fatnijyto lii*4 IS fate rt>f ^?A'tuong	associates	he *auHtuined the 2stime :
him m:ihv ku$ <rtj b iikttv.ity, -and niod^t' a^d^eiire^ us JUabitsJsbv a lifeol V'al1'^rderSiIndustryjsnqaJcealoue*-.irue, itfid honest discharge of ^tl 1 the duller of a.*eiti-, 4*?en,*ntk'? fcl)drttime4ie lived alnong ihet^?iiH gaiiitulj: their..entire'Confidence and esteem. Death,'however/' putinend iofcjile of virtufc imd iisefulnes&iQ.a mam f vnXT^^Cula&it was originally unexpected^ ? _ ^
\^?.||isillness'w..g caused by?the extraction'of a iopth,
" Tj'^iiiCcVi, y>rcid lioing ft disease.that the^best medical nxndj gjfjtirgic&L assistance was -inftdeqiiate to' rtt}ie*ejHtTfer hr^emoptj "of "ZtifctfUttetl agon v brought him to ihe aruve;-*. period of .trial and $ufte?ing made sub&rrviem [m'.'him lo.the cause <>f religion, and which.he availed;
\ Jnmseif will) ihe greatest eprnestnesB of.purpose -10 1 impress on ihe minds bf those wjio aunounded him on tfhe-bed of death the great virtue of a reliance on that God,'whose sacred word informs usuthat in the midst of lile we are in death/?
'A void has bpen created by thedeatfl of-MrJSylvee term the circle in which lie moved, which will ?ong remain unfilledjand tho-e * ho .knew him best can best
?	appreciate the loss of such a man to any sv>cieiy. '. Inf
*	sli the relations of life hiB character was withojut,
blemish; a9"husband, fatlrer, master, and friend, lem -glon, tenderness, jusiice, and liberality comb ned in him to form the perfect model of a Christian gentle* man.	.	C.-,	,*	?	..\
Jiis bereaved Ifamily have the consolation of know. | ing that auch -a lite and such a death ensures ifie jreat \ upward which God haspromisr.d to all who loye,and 't^nehim. |-?et thorn,? therefore,,not grieve like those wno hnv?j6o hope,but witb Christian 'la?ith'Ve uMKured | tlwi^iehaB ceminenc^'^n Eternity ^happineai? on ^ri/d?K rLs;ht lidncJ, where d?snh por *or?ow ticier mor" *F<>r wh* t *viib hU hope? Truly i*is hop " to* *yKii	Jimeu.	..	?	v - r - t * 'I
?	'?	' >	? '* fTl . i ?	?	V	?	.*	-It*	W	\	i'V 4
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