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I of 2
Wn^OK?Oa Tnesdar. May 25* 23*$. a? 5*35 o'clock a. ts.. CAPTAIN' THOMa# D. S. WILSON, kcsbaxid of Mararcerit* Loriean. &x*d *4 jwtj. & nattre ot North Shields* England. ard s. reetdea* of this *lty for the pa*t ?Ji T?tr?. Fuser*.: wtll take rlac* Wednesday _ aoou. Mar 25. i$*$. at J o*dock. froof mdy	. the fucerk! too* cf Prescott ta<
Sekcpp. 4520 Itaga^nft street.
>udy W5AVER?Ot? Tceeday. Mar
rfclock Ci m-. EMMA CAJCPBBUJ WEaVFTB. N*lo*ed dattstete-r of the tftM Jofca W. Wearer and Mtmrft Campf b?ti. aced 5. rears, a native of OrhaM.. T-*	??
?Cy The relatives*, fHeods and aeqcateaim* of tb* fasrfly are respectfnuy invttef to attend the faireral* which will taw piace Wednesday. 3Iar ?d. 1921. at 4^ o'clock m.. from the late r*s)d?Q0v of* th* deceased. 1911 Blxslas FlSf arertre.
Interment ta Greenwood cemetery.
emest by X Schoen aad Son.
?7. ,
??> T
an* beared father of Sir*, t*. Creepy-ssd rraadiather of Florence Crtryv
?	a*ed ?0 year*. a t^tlre of thfs city.
The * rercatas will 5e forwarded frnni th#
- residesce of its s!st?r.Jc-^w* Mrs. Dc.
?	Cr*i>>. Itft Soath Calrer street. maf
this t*>dneeday. May 25. 192$. to Baja SI. Lools. Mis*., for Ir.tennest. leav* !2f I* 4fc N\	at It A*fWv?)e a. rru
S*rrte+* ia-Oar J^ady of the Galf church# Bay St. lo^is. Miss.
WORMS?O-t Sunday, liar 25. 1915. JtT* UTS tTOP-lIS. a*e4L<? year*. a si-tire of Gerrcary. -
Eelatlre* a?4* friend* of the r*?!!y. i*3d Crescent City Z-ocljre No. jr. Ir.:*?*SA-t'.O?ia: Associate*:* ef M?efc!st:*ts. ^;ei to attend Vr>? ftmeral. trb!ch w?*? tafc-% place this We*ln<?3da^. >far 2 S. 3 9 25. r: 4:30 oVIocJl from the Bcttsaa Msrt~-arr. 2Sir"5!a*ax:ne street.
Irrenceat ^ CarroCltca ccseiery.
9/14/2011 1
1:07 AN

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