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bep-JO-Sb 01 :4bH Jacob 5>choen FH	504	486	2066
NOMINEE:	Dr. Marion J. Wolfe, Sr.
103 Carroll Ave.
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520
St. Stanislaus College 3ay St. Louis, Mississippi
Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana
The name of Dr. Marion J. Wolfe, Sr., in Bay St. Louis is synonymous with the word dedication. There is no man in the community more interested in his fellowman, and this is proven by the dedication he has shown in his practice of medicine in Bay St. Louis since 1933. At a time now when most doctors would be'retired and enjoying a few years of well-deserved rest,
Dr. Wolfe at 69 is still serving his community in a way people have always seen him.
Doctor Wolfe was a boarding student at St. Stanislaus College in 3ay St. Louis, Mississippi, from 1919-1922. Hi3 parents moved from Sew Orleans to Bay St. Louis in 1922, and thus he spent his last two years at St. Stanislaus as a day student. In the St. Stanislaus College graduation of 1923, he ranked first in his class. While in high school he excelled not only in acatiemics but also in athletics. In a school known throughout the South for its fine athletic teams, Dr, Wolfe ran track and cross country, and he played on an undefeated St. Stanislaus basketball team. In his senior year he vu captain of bothSad"crass country teams, j
He entered medicine at Tulane University, and during the whole time at Tulane in med school he didn't miss one day of school.	While at	Tulane he
ran cross country	and	track and earned three medals. Also while	at Tulane
he vas a,p,?^AOA), an honorary medical fraternity ? r^#v?Lwfbr'' th* top ten|Xts.	.	He graduated
from 1?ulane iqi 1932 aod spent two years of internship at Charity Hospital in itar"
He then became a member of the Mississippi Medical Association and began practising medicine in Bay St. Louis as a general practioner. He has been in 3ay St. Louis for	all	but six years. From his earliest	years of	practicing
medicine, besides	his	regular office and hospital work,	Doc made	house calls
throughout Hancock, Pearl River and Harrison counties. Even today Doc still makes house calls in addition to his office and hospital work. *In 1939 tie
taaatk'in. Bay. St.4*auis. On April 16, 1970,
Me?sTiffered 'a'severe heart attack which "sidelined him for awhile, but he is now back on duty."
P . 04

Wolfe, Dr. Marion J 013
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