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f	1/	ft	Chancery ClBrk.
(SEAL)	y	?	By H.l.Kergosien D.C.
The instrument of which the foregoing is a record was delivered to me to be recorded .hi the 14th day of April A.D. 1924 at 9 A.M. and z'ecorded on the on the 26th day of the same month and yeai.
a.A.Kergosien Clerk.
State of Mississippi)
Lawrence Thomas	McNalty	County of Hancock
For and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar	and	Other con-
siderations ($1.00) to me in hand paid, I do hereby convey and warrant unto Lawrence Thomas McNalty, the following described land, to-wit:	commencing at the lower North
east corner of	the Gadon Toulme Claim in Section 26, T.	8 S.R.	14	W.,	and	runMng-^
thence south 15.50 ohains,' thence 3. 55 degrees S. 20.50	chains	to	an iron	stake set
for the south e&3t corner of land formerly belonging to George D.Tucker, which said iron stake is the place of beginning of the tract of land hereby conveyed;
Running thence 3. 88 degrees E. 4.24 chains to a stake set on the southern line of public road; thence south easterly along said road. 4.50 ohains to the North west corner of a lot of land formerly sold by the grantor herein to one Le More; thence S. 31| degrees II. 4 chains to southwest corner of said tract so gold to suid Moore; thence 11. 58 degrees W. 3.05 chains to a stake; thence West 3.50 chains to a stake; thence North 4 chains to pluoo of beginning; containing 3 acres, and bein|
a part of the J.Bouquie Claim, in Township 8 South, HangeA<Vest, in the County und State aforesaid.
Witness my signature this 30th day of January A.D. 1924.
W. l'.Moon
State of Mississippi,)
County of Hancock.. )	.	\
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authority in *? and for said County and State, the within named William T.Moon, who acknowledged that-he sifrned and delivered the foregoing instrument on the day and year therein mentioned.
Given under my hand and official seal this 20th day of January A.D. 1924.
Chancery Clerk.
By H.L.Kergosien D.C.

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