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r	?j	?	VttU I'm uxxoj.ut
^book ?ounty............. Personally appeared bgfore me, A. A. Kergosien,. Clerk of
f?|chanoery ?ourt of the County of Hancock in said State, the within named E. Van-Swtfield, Tax-Colleotor of siid County, who acknowledged that he signed and delivered M|foregolng instrument on the day and year therein mentioned.
[\Guven under mjr }iand and official seal, at my office, in the City of Bay St. Louis ssiBsippi, this, the BO day of April, A.D- , 1921.
SEAL? .	A.	A.	Kergosien, Clerk.
STATEMENT OF FEES. STATE AND COUNTY, ETC.? ic?Coll9otor&B fees for making conveyance $1.	$1.00
Ijfdjertising and selling 1 sub-division at Z5d	.25
rlhter's feeB, adve tising 1 sub-division at	40</	.40
loftrfc1b fees, filing and acknowledging	.50
Beodrding 1 sub division at 10^	.1.0
State Tax * County Tax	.22
DaniageB 10 per cent	_____.02
ll^.C	Total	2.49
?i.;. ?
tie "instrument of which the foregoing is a record was delivered to me to be recorded ati'9 o?clock A. M. the 22nd day of June, A-D*, 1925, and recorded July 1, 1925.
A. A. Kergosien, Clerk.
Wv T. MOON	The State of Mississippi
>; TO	Hancock county
For and in consideration of the sum of Sixty, ($>60.00) Dollars, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I heeeby convey and warrant unto L. T. MoNulty, the following described tract of land situated in the County of Hancock, State of Mississippi, to-witL- " Beginning at a point on the Southern line of the ?Washington Avenue Publio uoad, at the Northeast corner of a tract of land sold by the preBent grantor to L. T. MoNulty by deed dated January, 30, 1924, and recorded in the tdeed records of said county in Book D-5 jsage 568) thence running 3outh 31-J- degrees we .along said McNulty's East line and a continuation thereon 890 feet to the line of lar belonging to Carl Moon; thence East 181 feet; thence Northeasterly 844 feet to a point on the southern line of said publio road; thence Northwesterly along said road to the place of beginning; containing 4 aores, more or less, and being a part of the
Bouquie Claim in Township 8 South, Range 14 West.'/'
Witness my signature this the 27 day of January A.D*, 1925.	?
The State of Mississippi	W. T* Moon.
Hancock ^ounty.............
Personally appeared before the undersigned authority in and for the s state and county aforesaid, the above named W. T. Moon, who acknowledged that he signed and delivered the foregoing instrument on the day and year therein mentioned.
Given under my hand and official Seal this the 27 day of January, A.D*, 1925.
Beo. R. Rea,
/SEAL0	Notary	Publio.

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