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IN THE PAST: The history of this highway beautification actually goes back about 2 0 years. Garden Club members financed and supervised the planting of 350 oleanders, numerous pyracantha, pine and magnolia trees. Obviously, this was not the kind of work that "little old ladies" could do. so the State Highway Department helped along with hired help. Through the years, club members have supervised & financed the maintenance as well as adding other plantings. Since 1969. it has been our endeavor to replace some of the beauty destroyed by hurricane Camille.
AT PRESENT:	Accomplishment exceeds all expectations! Now in '76, over
2	00 trees along highway 90 with "beauty spots" at vantage points! Thi^ community involvement program is responsible for the planting of 56 pear, 65 magnolia, 12 crepe myrtle, 10 live oak, 2 redbud, 30 pine, k cedar,
20 ball cypress and 12 sycamore along the median and service shoulders	^
with 16 crepe myrtle, 10 pear, and 6 magnolias at the Waveland Hospitality Station. Hundreds & hundreds of flowering and berrying shrubs, annuals and perennials complete the plantings. (Many given by garden clubbers)
IN THE FUTURE:	Continued maintenance will be provided by the cities of
Bay St. Louis and Waveland, the Hancock County Supervisors and the State Highway Department. Plants will be replaced as needed and more perennial plantings will be given by the garden club members & other organizations.
This has truly been a COMMUNITY-WIDE cooperative BICENTENNIAL BEAUTIFICA_ TIONproject! We have received support, both moral and financial, from many sources and we express our thanks to:
HANDS AWARD 197^	$ 92,	.05
HANDS AWARD 1975	100,	,00
American Legion, Bay St. Louis	25.	.00
Altrusa Club	15'	,00
Merchants Bank	25,	.00
Coast Electric Power Ass'n.	25.	,00
Rotary Club	50,	,00
City'of Bay St. Louis	150,	,00
Hancock Bank	100,	,00
Hancock County Supervisors	250,	,00
City of Waveland	100.	,00
Mrs. N. Lamb	6,	,00
Bay-Waveland Jr. Auxiliary	15-	,00
Diamondhead Garden Club	TO,	,00
American Legion Aux. Bay	S.	,00
American Legion Aux. - Waveland	15.	,00
Hancock County Chamber of Com.	50.	,00
V.F.W. Auxiliary	5.	,00
Tiger Lily High School Gardeners	5.	,00
Jaycees - Bay St. Louis	10.	,00
Jaycees - Waveland	25.	00
American Legion - Waveland	25.	00
Mississippi Power Co.	50.	00
Judge Dan M. Russell, Jr.	50.	00
Bay-Waveland Garden Club	164.	88
HANDS Award 1976	75-	00
Thanks, also, to the Sea Coast Echa, the Daily Herald and radio station WPUP in Bay St. Louis for all the wonderful help in project publicity. To Felix Seeger for all his help with planning, planting & maintenance. To the Waveland Beautification Committee, the "W" Club youth group and the coordinator of Waveland Hospitality Center.
And to the members of the Bay-Waveland Garden Club for financial help, gifts of plants, time and energy given on this Bicentennial program.

Bay Waveland Garden Club Bay Waveland Garden Club (004)
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