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At a regular meeting of tha Board of ^ayor and Aldermen of the said City held at the City Hall on Saturday Kay 4th, 1880, the same being the fir&t Saturday of said month. The following resolutions were adopted no follows.
HHSOLUTIOW vheroao it is desireable for tho public convenience that a right-of-wuy should be procured across the depot grounds and right of way of tho Louieville & Nashville Kailroad Company, within the limits of the City of Hay at. Louie upon the line of the extension of Booster Street and Whereas Urn Louisville and Nashville Kailroad Company hau signified its willingness to license the opening and maintenance of said way aeroto the premiums aforesaio upon the stipulations and conditioms embraced in the following prepared agx,?em<?nt, to wlt:?
This agreement made and entered into by and between the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, party of the first part, acting by Charles Marshall, itn Superintendont, and the City of Hay St. l.ouiet acting by its tfayor, under a resolution of its regularly constituted municipal board. '.itneeseih: that the said City of Bay St. Louis, to open and grade a roadway across the depot grounds and rifjh t of way of said party of tho first part on the line of hookter Str*at extended with the ri(?ht to maintain the game upon the conditions and subject to the provisions and stipulations hereinafter made and entered into, that is to Bay, the eaid roadway across the premises of the ?aid party of the first part may be used by persons or vehicles traveling on said above named street, but not to be used by horneo or live stock running at largo and not harnessed or bridled and la not to be considered a public way (subject to use by the publlo further than in this agreement stipulated. The eaid way is to be graded and the r&ilroad crossing made and kept repaired by the author!tie? of the City	of	Uay St.	Louie,	and	the said	Louisville	and
ftashville Kailrond Company	lo not to	be	in	eny	way	responsible	to
the said City or to parsons using; said way, for the condition of said way or crossing. And the said Louievilla and Nashville Company shall not be in any way responsible to said City or to persons using said way for any obstruction by its trains. This license is revocable at the will of the said Railroad Company and the said City of hay St. Louie, for its part, agroes to toko, open and ;naintain and use, and authorise its Citizens to use the said licenae above given upon the consltions therein imposed and to coase ouoh uaor under title a&raement whenever thereto required as provided and stipulated, in testimony whereof the oaid Louisville and Nashville Lailroad hath caused these presents to be signed by Charles Marshall, its superintendent, and the oald City of J5ay St. Louis hath caused these present* to be signed by August Keller, its Mayor, this 4th day of 7 ay, 1889.
Executed in duplicate.
And whereas It is believed that the construction and maintenance of said way will not prove unduly inconvenient for said railroad Company and will not interfere with its said depot grounds and railroad right of way and that this will be demonstrated by a practical exercioo of oald license and the use of said way as provided in said agrepnwmt, and that tho said railroad Oonpany will not find it necessary or desireable to revoke the said license and
i	he re as the opening of said road on terms mentioned can thus be accomplished without litigation or payment of dpjangen to said Kailrond Company now therefore Jio it resolved that the tfayor be and he is hereby authorized on behalf of said City of Bay St. Louis to sign and deliver said propoeed agreement in duplicate, one of which eaid duplicate agreement shall be taken and obtained by the said Kayor and deposited in the arohives of the said City.
Approved lay 4th, 1889,
(sitifii&O August Keller, k ayor.

Gainesville R.R Roadway-Across-Depot-Grounds-(1889)-2
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