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'Vagra W^*’ *-
obliahed Thursdays at 112 S. Second St., Bay St. Louis, Miss. Ukcs^rP.O.Box 230, Bay St. Louis, Miss.-Phone HO-7-5474 ^^1^%,:- •' Powell Glass, jr.. Publisher
: Joan deSardon Glass, Managing Editor ^ f Subscription Rates ('Hancock County 12.00; Elsewhere in the United States 13.00 Dd»%r of publication.; Member: Audit Bureau of Circulations iss^ippi Press Associatiori.	t
Ehttitd u second-class matter at the Post Office at Bay St. Lou** Miss. Under the Act of March 3, 1879
l§=$s!f Site Problem
jpjjhej'news most directly important to Hancock County in T^^l’century .was disclosed last week when Uncle Sam filed fafsuit*infBiloxi that in essense places some 36 per cent of [tfielcbunty^in federal control. ;The reasons for this action and ^Xuu^ldetails of procedure, as well as answers' to specific
qtfslte^for^thef proin___
etcb^clpg^U^Bt Ms^city^’iE^arid !Al?1C1u__
.d^^a?baHk;^ii^TtlietChaiii]^^ of.Conimercertttbekic |lngfofche'l95
j^.25^EARSMCOj^ ^|WOa;^3i0^1936-^«h“*^ title: ^andacconpanyi^Wnoi^dfqueen; -. f of ; the jfinnual barvestlfestivaland ] i?b«U?^ St.fJo%*^AcldgiSQ^ffeili to? tbe|iot'ofirau1 BeQi^Pib^l senior haadfdai^faterfbf”w;?'aadj' Mrs .Edmond F abey^wbenballof
jproblems^Vwere answered yesterday at Logtown by represen-|t»tiTeai^off5the governmental departments involved and the, |li<5»d;picture of the need for the test site was explained by .Senator} ohn Stennis.
^%VeTthought the program interesting though long and came
Doctor Smiji.
Any county of 15,000'loses good citizens almostjevery automobile accidents as Veira8^ag§uki«Va're^of. that."Mol8t^pl«ce^'ind4£thyilS] of them are memorialized men—the highe ceive a more because
‘i^ed.ajdlm^u ovei;
feeling that, to the extent legally possible, the United
Igjgg&SM* pl*y fair with the Hancock Countians whose pro- when Dr. Smith madeVa house
mk-rn avav from thrm. Our frrlinff is based ________* - ______________’ i '____
ipjity^is^being taken away from them. Our feeling is based *<mlSao'?assumption that people better qualified than anyone in f Hancock’County and probably in Mississippi decided that the
important. ...	..
•This editor first met. Dr. A. ]
not a whole lot more of a perso^ture^™^
Smith. That he was first a pharmacist, thenlaTdoctor,^started	'——
^northwestern third of our county was the best place for loca-
ijfiucj^iray'at the Michoud plant. We location of the test si
I'.'-’W, :	.	. .	,	...
'aioa%f a te8t site for the Saturn rocket engine to be built not *	^ .1.	,.;_i—j _i—* ™e also suspect that the de-
site was largely determined decision to reopen the Michoud plant, this notwith-patanding'the assurance that all the coastal areas from the twiddle {Atlantic area of the country through the Gulf to the ffitottomjof Texaaj’tind'lhe'pacific coast • up to the northern Jboondaryiof Oregon was considered. ;
ie^big picture is what is good for the United States of * ^rica>and Senator Stennis,. a member pf the Space and of JlArmed Forces Committees of the U. S. Senate,' adequate-Sfcxplained the need'for this country not to fall behind Rus-!vln^ability to travel in outer space. If we are correct in our sumptions, there can be no sound argument against the piuttiwial^government's.action except on matters of detail.; JP£^e;fdetail we earlier wondered about was why the need $orSthe“bu£f er or easement area, 101,300 acres in Hancock [ ^County^aione. It was explained very simply—the sound vibra-uns 'created by testing.the Saturn rocket while not parti-Scmarljr;annoying to persons in the buffer area might, because if'ftheir^low-frequency nature, cause buildings to collapse, Snd^’agaiQ. presumably, Uncle Sam doesn’t want to be res-^iSible'for killing someone inadvertantly.
bien.^were, however, som£ details we think should be cic^redfup" formally. and some regrets we cannot but have. Iie^understandably. - roma&tic and emotional attachment fS*n^j4ople in the area *re bound to feel about their HOME '. istsomething no few dollars' can pay for,- but it is not legally raii^thing.our government 'CAN pay for. Some families will l^thatithe really true value of their home will not pay for ^bome they choose to move to.Moving expenses are not at . ces'eot^.authorized,* but this disadvantage will probably be J$tenoTed' before the first family has to move. Other details eed clarification and even a change in our laws, :|it^is'unlikely that anyone in the affected area will suffer remote than many of those ordered to active duty with the 134di^Transportation Company, Mississippi National Guard. jjfOae.^aspect we think important needs legal clarification
md:fbr that reason a change should be made. That is the suit
f-ti- ... •
jttsel&^Elsewhere on this page is printed a verbatim copy of "proceedings so far filed concerning property in Missis-(^except for owners’ names and description of property .Vblved. An examination of the "easement” provision shows
the first ho practiced medicine
spital-type..treatment place ini|Hancock'County,-iMf0f»NASJ
edicine here"1 for,more,'thanM5>yearri,'; has
lie b/*IiaaI Tiitan«	aU	II	caL	r^4
pts?icqUire8iC! /for.NASA’ls'peniling'
honored by his school, Tulane Univer8ity',"#and*the|«a?one^me|ful^; First Rnnti«f r'hlirrK’ ffhinua w Irnr,>kJHiade on^easernc
lliulonl cleirl
"Churches fli^tiiel ,v ^ ban :not bejused/’all lmmaii^hibl^
First Baptist Church,1 those things we knowy?^
Because of his reputation, as,well as. his^record, thejeditor-:^ _ ___	____________
knows a whole lot more. He knows^that Hanc^k CoantyUos^^tatlon of bikldlng belng^ldVfoidden
■'	!T*r.	’	^»-~fins§It^^»isbS^
?goveriimerir|wlu| .ra^^scgiiiftheif
To us, however?
greater, bigger or\
the family" physiciflo—ther
automobiles were used
From our viewpoint, Ur. bmlta.representedang1best:m’m(^»^j^~^^^^.^V-^.y«<pY|
cal practice and in' humanity^Specialists”are^needed^'ev«^;^Sspace2fAflasleS?wIjLlf
when: they "work ^on^tbe- rightifoot, not^the rleftT^The?f .	. .	,	■	'	...	w.-—'■** .^^.'T'^enjdnesinanufactui
physiaan, the .general; practicioner, *—-
still our best source of medical, attention,;.when needed. ^'^^^test^'FtifirB^
Dr. Smith was an excellent example oLwhy.'HancoclcV^iinty^^^^^inniid^Jfrom^fefltMdi . u	••	•«»<«*;.	.. is^^ Wi/^^toVPicayuneiwlllTbe’inaM'in co2
should oppose the aon-perstMialteed>and.cold^odaU»edrmedi^fe^^iL-tcJL«.»^.i«a:-»a»«>fc-«g^
cine now being advocated by many .sources.* ?'■' ■■ ,'i*.■	rvf»aATrav^lVin^l
vs.’f.CIVIL N0^24?4^^,^-,
116,650 ACRES OF LAND. MDRE'#^
&mm' mmm
,i * " ----- ......
I. This Is an' action^o f 'al'civil'nature’brought by the wmicu^>
States of America at the request of the Administrator of the'Nadonali^ ^
Aeronautics and Space Administration of the Ubited Stttes
of property under power of eminent^cbmain^ar^ for the^^^^^^-^^f^
" "ouniceSji
’ action'^o f 'av'civil'nature'brought by")
am; i^tid Uoqqs|
'It t request for an "injunction”, a quite different pro-.lit also does not provide, as government officials public-^stated yesterday, that a property owner in the buffer area, the}property is small in area, at his or her election, would ^spaidjfor the "fee” or total interest in the property. The . cobleminvolved is that / fk "small” property owner who is “■^C^perniitted to live on land he owns in fee simple (absolute wtship) or even, use it foe many purposes such as dairy auig'and haa to live five or mote'ml lea away couldn't get aliifS: financial value under the terms of the suit as filed by icle^Sam and the government can not legally be bound by agents’ verbal statements. Our reasoning: the landowner .dn't 'use the land and could only sell it to a very res-ed group of purchasers such as International Paper Com-t, ...
- • *■' ^ ' jQor^suggestion: the federal government amend its com/-|plaiat^ to formally provide that any property owner in the ^easement” area may insist that he be paid for the full value %||pf 'a\fee simple interest in his property. Some may not wish </y	Unnw Ku Q^lllno n limited bcoDertv rieht. an ease-
. for the taking
ascertainment and. awardfof Just compensatlonjto^tbe?bWnersTai parties in intew«^-:^%^-*^^'
2	^p ftuthori^y ^•• <.ka	ia.ii**	wIahma	a
Congress approved j
the Act of Congress approvea jmy zy, 1V5H ^uduc ut
Stat. 426, 42 U. S.' C; 2473-b-(3))i'*which Acts authorize.the acqulsi-Ki#"s%“5^22^ tlon of the land; the Act of Congress approved JiJy<21,>196lt(PubUc|^**f,^“f^^)^!f -Law 87-98, 87th'Cong,Js'^and the^Act of Congress''a^roved '
17, 1961 (Public'Law 87-141 available for such purposes, v-
3.	The iuse ^ for, . which the propertyiisstp;be taken is for^tl^^1”®™?^*^^]?^ establishment.^ operation % and < maintenance ofva‘National('^el5onaU'!pji^^^Sltfw w tics and ^pace*Administration .centralized. testing site md
cldent thereto; and such other fuses'1 as mav^be^authorizedbViC^n^yja^dauKhtwL-— gress or by Executive Order
4.	The Interest in the' propertyrto be acqudred ls the^eejfinipleM^J^Haii&^^G^fetty^fto^tall title subject, however, to’rexisting easamentslfor^pubUc'iroa^^and^P^Mr^and! highways, public utilltlea.-'railroadsrand pipelinesjin and toU3,550M6rtbu^l _ acres of land,'more or leqs, described In Exhiblt'VA*’; and’a^kp^^^net^^UMS^wi tual and assignable easement for’ the maintenance, operatlon^and^tl^i^ou^cM^liloi
use of a restricted area lp^on/’acrofcs and oven the 103J100racrei^»HancockjGeni^a£Mbl
t.*‘B”j<!,p)gether wlth the^lrw'Mr^airf:MraSTot right of Ingress and eg re a s over the ltnd for, the ;purpo se,of^exercis^^a^aughter^'v
of land, more or less, described in Exhibit.
ing the righto under auCb 'easement,'-'as mote'fuUy|aet butfi crlbed In Exhibit "C’’ attached heretbi	’JKfep
5.	The prop)erty‘>so tMbe taken'lS.descrlbed'in ExhlbitS’VA^ "B" and delineated - onjthe .^plat'on'Exhlbit^VpV^-all ofwhltfaf^ attached hereto
.^twins^S ‘,l
ounces j^and.. '^iinda|r^^iiniSSS atrHak»<^fG«e^al>] Mrfid
Mississippi may have or' clalmvan''tnterestTin^therproperty br
son of taxes and assessments due'and exiglbleii^jtV;	......
8. In addition to fthe persons "named, tbere are or may be.othertf who have or may claim'some Interest in the property to bejtaken^
whose names are,'unknown*to 'the^plaintlff,Jtarid'such'persons'are	____
made parties to the action under the designation “Unknown Own-^'a’^daughteri
pounda^twoSfou ^31^it!iHano>ck'(

Gainesville Sea-Coast-Echo-NASA-Special-2
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Hancock County Historical Society
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