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to - f 1 e. e xt e n t|le g ally possible/the United ^.^ij. withjthe Hancock Countianswhose pro-5j^aJcea:;awe y ” fro m< the m. Our feeling is based UonTtha.people better qualified than anyone in
iiy^Md^probablyinMississippi. decided that the
(^icboud^plant./Wealso suspect 6qation';of’the test';site;was largely determined onvto-Weopen"- the^Michood plant, this notwith-
unceithati fJlithej coastal.[.areas, fro ^^£^^cVu^t^thropghith« ^’Galf to th* fo>tW'T^£ifl£: coast :>„UP to the northern ^onfwascona ideredL	.“-v..'1	.>
Xure^ia ^hat)is good^for the United States of kiwM^Steanis^a$m'ember,pf.the Space and of ■c$t 'mmittees of.the U. S. Senate/ adequate*
beineedlfor this country not to fall behind Rus-• ■ ■■■ . .
O^travelun^outer space. If we are correct m our
therejfcan- be^ no .sound argument against the
ament’ sjaction except on matters of detail.;
we|earlierVondered about was why the need
orceasement areaji? 101,300 acres in Hancock
explained verysimply—-the sound vibra-
teatingithe.iSaturn. rocket while'; not parti- *
Bwk-A , >-v.	r-*"• .1...	to
Spersoaainthetbufferarea'might^because^.-------------- —:------------
coluP"e*	T La A || 11
•sgmably^Uncle Sam^doesn’t'/want to be res*	| || W	w U I I
ng^omeone inadvertantly, ' ’	1
' -This editor first met Dr. A. ;P. Smith on a Sunday afternoon when Dr. Smith made a house call on an ill neighbor. There’s not a whole lot more of a personal nature he ever knew of Dr. Smith. That he was first a pharmacist, then a doctor, started the first hospital-type treatment place in lHancock County, practiced medicine here for more than 45 years, has been 'honored by his school, Tulane University, and his church, the First Baptist Church, those things we know. '
Because of his reputation, as well as his record, the editor knows a'whole lot more. ;He knows that Hancock County lost
from the when Dr. .Smith died Monday. He knowa tlTfcre are many persons 1 f' alive today that afe so because of Dr. Smith. That of itself is 'a fine tribute to auyoAe.
To us, however, Dr. Smith typified something even larger, greater, bigger or whatever you wish to call it. He typified the family physician—the horse-and-buggy doctor, except automobiles were used by him.
From our viewpoint, Dr. Smith represented the best in medical practice and in humanity. Specialists are needed, even when they work on the right foot, not the left. The family physician, the general practicioner, the doctors Smith are still our best source of medical attention, when needed. -Dr. Smit|i was an excellent example of why Hancock County should oppose the non-personalized and cold socialized medicine how being advocated by many sources. ;_____________________
la^we ytjuok: should be
; V '
,.r. tk...
di*onfcVrcTOt»^Cc^ot l*utthave.: ^
rea'are bound to: feel about their HOME
»ndably|rfMma*tic^and iStb
Plaintiff, vs.
CIVIL NO. 247-4
_.doila*s'can p*y forr bu^it is notlegally £ 116,650 ACRES OF LAND, MORE
" ' ae^yalue'of^meir. home^ul.not puyjop COUNTIES, ET AL.,
choose to move to.Moving expenses are not at ized, but this disadvantage will probably b^ : the first family t^as to move. Other details 'clarification and even a change in our laws, that anyone in the affected area will suffer many'of those ordered to active duty with the tation Company, Mississippi National Guard, we think important needs legal clarification son a change should be made. That is the suit g&onuthis page is printed a verbatim copy of far * filed concerning property in Missis-
*vnames and ‘ description of property
it-: owners'
ouninatioa of the "easement” provision shows ssVjfor an "injunction”, a quite different pro-«s^not provide, as government officials public-rday, that a property owner in the buffer area, js small in area, at his or her election, would w^'fee" or total interest in the property. The d^is ’that . p "small” property owner who is • live on land he owns in fee simple (absolute even, use it for many purposes such as dairy !'to, live five or more< miles away couldn’t get if value under the terms of the suit as filed by the - government can, not legally be bound by Nkl^statements. Our'reasoning: the landowner t^laod^and|Could,ooly'sell it to a very res-purchasers such asrlntemational Paper Com-
. . ' <
“• 4,	'
JOi-thp federal government amend its com<-lly provide that any property owner in the a'may insist that he be paid for the full value >inf it in his property. Some may not wish s. by -filing a limited property right, an ease-lioighty fine position to be sure that the old
I stays'inhis hands should his uncle decide
ARCH BEGINS — Busy checking ownership of ral government plans to acquire for Its lunar l Hancock Court are these members of the real ■ the Army Corps of Engineers, from left. J. iloosa, Ala.. L. H. Doty. Jr., and Arthur Keller, ath from the Mobile office.
real estate division from Mobile; J. E. Hew ell, negotiator from the real estate project office In Tuscaloosa. Ala., and Arthur Keller, realty assistant from Ktobtle. Overseeing their operations are Rufus:*Jennings awl Herman C.. Weiss’ from; the .Mobile office.':
■’,'tatefc V:v -
'-‘Ml ■ .	,
?s«e 1.)
be acquired i tremendous
dwork are L. latpr.with the .
Defendants. ■'
1.	This is an action o f a civil nature brought by the United States of America at the request of the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States of America for the taking of property under power of eminent domain and for the ascertainment and award of just compensation to the owners and parties in Interest.
2.	The authority for the taking is in accordance with the Act of Congress approved August 1, 1888^25 Stat. 357, 40 U.S.C. 257), and the Act of Congress approved July 29, 1958 (Public Law 85-568, 72 Stat. 426, 42 U. S, C. 2473-b-(3)), which^Acts authorize the acquisition of the land; the Act of Congress approved July 21, 1961 (Public Law 87-98, 87th Cong,); and the Act of Congress approved August 17, 1961 (Public Law 87-141, 87th Cong.), which Acts made funds available for such purposes.
3.	The use for which the property is to be taken is for the establishment, operation and maintenance of a National Aeronautics and Sfcjace- Administration centralized testing site and uses incident thereto, and such other uses as may be authorized by Congress or by Executive Order.
4.	The Interest in the property to be acquired is the fee fimple title subject, however, to existing easements for public roads and highways, public utilities, railroads and pipelines in and to 13,550 acres of land, more or lejs, described in Exhibit “A”; and a perpetual and assignable easement for the maintenance, operation and use of a restricted area Ip^ on, acrofis and over the 103,100 acres of land, more or less, described in Exhibit “B”, together with the right of ingress and egress over the land for the purpose of exercising the rights under such easement, as more fully set out and described In Exhibit “C" attached hereto.
5.	The property so to be taken it described in Exhibits "A" and "B** and delineated on the plat on Exhibit "D", all of which are attached hereto.
6.	The persons having or claiming any Interest In the property
(names omitted).	>
7.	The Counties of Hancock and Pearl River and the State of Mississippi may have or claim an -interest in the property by reason of taxes and assessments due and exigible.
8.	In addition to the persons named, there are or may be others who have or may claim some interest in the property to be taken, whose names are unknown to the plaintiff, and such persons are made parties to the action under the designation “Unknown Owners.”
WHEREFORE, the plaintiff demands judgment that the property be condemned and that Just compensation for the taking be ascertained and awarded and for such other relief as may be lawful and proper.
^ Trial by jury of the issue of Just compensation Is demanded by plaintiff.
/s/ ROBERT E. HAUBERG United States Attorney /s/ By E. R, Holmes, Jr. Asst.
A perpetual and assignable easement for the establishment, maintenance, operation, and use of a restricted area In, on, across, and over the land described in Exhibit “B”, consisting of the right to prohibit human habitation or human occupancy of dwellings and other buildings, and the right to prohibit the construction of dwellings and other buildings susceptible of being used for human habitation or human occupancy; together with all right, title, and interest In and to the dwellings and other buildings now situated on the land and which are susceptible of being used for human habitation or human occtpancy, Including the right to demolish, remove, relocate, or leave in place said dwellings and other buildings; the right to post signs indicating the nature and extent of the Government’s control; and the right of Ingress and egress over and across said land for the purpose of exercising the rights set forth herein; subject, however, to existing easements for public roads and highways, public utilities, railroads, and pipelines; reserving, however, to the landowners, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors (if corporate owner), and a: Mgns all right, title. Interest, and privilege as may be used and enjoyed without Interfering with or abridging the rights, title, and Interest hereby taken for said public uses
Garriga Infant Christened Sunday
euiionauy on Page 4. Figert said Mississippi appraisers will be used to determine fair market value. While the Defense Department provides for the cost of families moving out of an area it acquires, similar legislation for NASA Is pending in Congress, he reported. It was made clear present boundaries are firm and a one-time full payment will be made on easements.
Churches in the buffer zone can not be used, all human habitation of building being forbidden when testing begins. If it la wished, the federal government will move cemeteries. Those in the test zone cannot be used In the future but those In the easement zone can. There are an estimated 13 churches and nine cemeteries involved.
At the start one vehicle a month will be tested In the project to get ahead of Russia In space. Missies will not be sent aloft from this site, only the engines manufactured at the Mlc-houd installation In New Orleans tested. Future relocation of State Rt. 43, running from Westonla to Picayune will be made in cooperation with the State Highway Department. Travel on U. S. 90 and Interstate 10 will not be affected.
Colonel Berry and Berlin stressed that the sudden announcement of the site selection and filing of court proceedings were to prevent land speculation.
Questions covered all manner of topics, Including state and local taxation which the panel was not equipped to handle. One even Inquired whether the displaced landowner could move flowers from his property. The answer: Yes.
Vincent Leo Garriga, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gar-^ riga of Pascagoula, formerly of Bay St. Louis, was christened Sunday afternoon at Our Lady of the Gulf Church.
ur r icc. i>FACE for rent.’C HO 7-6224 or HO 7-4021. -. i < ,10/12-tl
FOR RENT: FurnlsMd home a 2-bedroom mobile home, pot HO 7-6486 weekdays, HO.: 5851 weekends. .
" 10/12-tf
ROOMS BY THE DAY, week. ■ month. Central heating, tel> vision, tile bath; bus stops door. HO 7-6143.
FOR RENT: Furnished upstal apartment on Court Street, bedrooms, private entranc HO 7-6365 or HO 7-5711. .
FOR RENT: New 3-bed roc home located Kiln, Miss. V 7-6840.
FOR RENT: Furnished cotta; 709 N. 2nd St. HO 7-451
FOR RENT: Two unfumlsb houses. HO 7-5754.
FOR RENT: Five room home spacious garage and laundi room, lovely landscape grounds $65.00 permonth.Ca HO 7-4215.
FOR RENT: Houses from$40.0( John McDonald HO 7-5442.
For Sale
Rev. Michael Kelly officiated. Miss Margaret Garriga was godmother and J. V. Morreale, godfather. A reception followed at the home of Mrs. Garrlga’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
________________ A
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ker-sanac, their third child, a son, James Timothy, weighing seven pounds, seven ounces, bora Oct.
31 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Johns of 310 Carroll Avenue, a daughter, Ann Elizabeth, born Oct. 22 at Gulfport Memorial Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook, a son, Steven Jay, seven pounds 15 ounces, born Oct. 26 at Hancock General Ibspital.
Mr. and Mrs. August Oliver, -a daughter, Mary Ann, seven pounds four ounces, born Oct. 26 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fucich, twins, Katharine Ann and Kenneth James, both five pounds three ounces, born Oct. 26 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Spiers, a daughter, Joanna Racine, seven pounds 11 ounces, bora Oct. 27 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Rutherford, twins, Selwyn Sylvanlous, Jr., five pounds, nine and a half ounces, and Sharon Hazel, six pounds two ounces, born Oct. 31 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pavollni, a son, Francis Joseph jr., four pounds, two ounces, born Oct. 31 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Llzana, a daughter, Marie Helena, six pounds, 13 ounces, born Oct. 18 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Strong, a son, Christopher Allen, bom Oct. 17 at Hancock General Hospital.
Mr.. and Mrs. D. H. Martin, Rt. 1, Pass Christian, a daughter, Penny Kay, seven pounds, two ounces, bom Oct. 20 at Crosby Memorial Hospital, Picayune. Mrs. Martin is the former Merle Elizabeth Broussard of Golden Meadow, La. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Christoff Martin of Rt. 1, Pass Christian.
5,000 Car License Tags Sold to Date
Approximately 5,000 1962 license tags were issued to Hancock County motorists last month according to the Sheriff's office. Deputies will probably begin picking up delinquents around Nov. 15 when the highway patrol begins checking tags.
Sells 3 Purebreds
Brlgnac Angus Farm recently sold an Aberdeen-Angus bull each to John W. Hat ten of Lyman and Gloster Ladner of i’erldnston, and a registered Angus cow to Lazy J-7 Ranch of Necaise. Morreale. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Garriga of Kiln are paternal grandparents.
BIRD & SONS Auto Sales
CHEAPIESI $25. down Small notes
1951 PONTIAC 1951 CHEVY 1953 BUICK 1954 BUICK
2.	1956 OLDS
3.	1953 FORD
4.	1954 PONTIAC
5.	1956 FORD Fairlane
Can be tsan at BIBD & SONS OB
PHONE HO 7-6727 Financing Available - Will Trad
FOR SALE: Bedding plants and shrubs - 408 Bookter St.
4/1 pd. 1 year.
FOR SALE: GMC truck 1 1/2 ton. Excellent conditio^,, reasonable. HD 7-5258.
FOR SALE: Beach lots and off the beach; 100’xl50’; Bargain for quick sale. Benham Real Estate HO 7-4345.
FOR SALE: forced to sell due to change In business location-attractively furnished, well built, well located home near beach, school, shopping center, 1 1/2 baths, jalousie room, 2 screened porches. Complete kitchen with all appliances. Brand new Spinet piano. Zenith television, new Simmons hideaway bed, wall to wall carpet in living room, nice yard, new hurricane fence, pecan trees, shrubs, $9,500 - must have $4,000. cash- can be seen by appointment. Phone 467-4261 after 7 p.m.
FOR SALE: RCA REFRIGERATOR - used about 2 weeks, retails $599., sale price $390. Two wood type push-up garage doors, retail $140. each, sale price $60. Westing ho use kitchen fan - $16. GI-2-2846 or GL 2-4166..
FOR SALE: 1961 Pontiac Catalina, no trades. Call HO 7-5459.
FOR SALE:	Scotsman	ice
machine, 350 lb. capacity. Call HO 7-5459.

Gainesville Sea-Coast-Echo-NASA-Special-3
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Hancock County Historical Society
All rights reserved