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Und* Joa Rod-«in» to Kiln in 1912; h«i b*«n »W».
Dear IJother Superior and all pood people In Philadelphia,
**y nano la Joe DoVJitto itoddlo,F»0. Dox ?5 Kl.ln, .'’lanlnslppl.
I have known Sloter T!ary !3.1 on for twenty years, nnd have U.vnd in Klin for over alxty yeanj. The Rood Catholic nnd Froteatant poopl* of Klin, alonp with eiyaelf, aro aokln* you rnod people up therott.o a^re?" with love to alio* Slater Mary Kll*m to cone baok to ur*.
In 3l5t«r*a twenty yoara at Kiln, ehe hac donn much for l?io peoplo here and her leaving la a ^reat lo3" for thin comuni ty. Ho other rolt^loua stationed at Klin ha^ ever perforriod an nany write of mercy »both corporal arvl oplrltual , ao hao Slotor nary Cllen,
3l»t<*r ’5ary Ellen left Kiln with a and heart crying and im rrloti h<*»r to return to uo, We are all saddened by her leaving* Sho In a prnce nailin'-peroon, having created noro love and peace horo In Klin mon: Frotnnt-anfls and Cat holloa In her twenty yearn than anyone else before her, everyone In Klin, of all races, has a deep love for Sinter f'ary Ill^n and hold* her In hlph regard. She la tmly a neaoon^er of the fnrd here on earth.
Tho Lord has been good to mo by ble^nlnfi me Tilth 92yenr» of a full and fruitful life. Many tines, I can look baok ovwr thone pant twenty years and thank cod for sloter Mary Fllon nnd hor nurolnrr,
Beoause of hor lovlnr and tender oare, 1 an In the boat, of health. I an a Southern Baptist, But I oan truthfully nay that ny bmt frlenda In South Mlsaloalppl are tho f*ood Cathollo people especially sister

Kiln History Document (115)
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