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This letter is being written by me for all the people of Kiln, Mississippi , who appeal to you with love in their hearts , to let Sister Mary Ellen come back to Kiln and be with her beloved friends. She has radiated the kind of love spoken about by St. Paul " And I speak out to	you	a yet more	excellent way. If I should	speak with the	tongues
of men	and	of angels,	but do not have charity, I	have become a3	sounding
brass or a tinkling cymbal. Charity is patient ,is kind;charity does not seek envy, is not pretentious, is not ambitious, is not self see!:inp, but rejoices with the truth ,bears all things .believes all things , hopes all things,endures all things.*(1 Cor. 13) To us she has truly embodied the love shown to all mankind by the all merciful Savior when He suffered and died for us. She has indeed sowed charity in our hearts by her unselfish giving of her time for our physical wdLlbeinr:. We thank God every night that He has created someone such as Sister Mary Ellen. She personifies His love for us..
Her clinic	in Kiln was constantly filled with people	seeking
her help.	She has never been known to refuse to	serve anyone.	Oar
community is located where there are no Doctors or Hospitals. Even If there were a Doctor, most of the people served by Sister Mary Ellen wouldn't bd able to afford to go to them. With Sister Mary Ellen's loving care, we felt secure in knowing there was an Angel of Mercy to "* help us during our illnesses* Oftentimes, Sister Mary Ellen would travel in the middle of the night to aid a sick one among us. She is truly the Servant from the Lord among the People of Ood and we love her dearly.

Kiln History Document (116)
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