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That Is why we are appealing to you, dear Mother Suporlor
and praying to the Holy Trinity that you will find lt in your hoart. to send our beloved Sister Mary Ellen hack to us who noed her so much.
I an writing this letter to you not as one person; but as the senifcr representative frow our oonmunlty of Kiln, Mississippi. , In my 92 yoaro of life, I have seen a lot of people cone and ro but nono who have Impressed me as much as Sister Mary Ellen. She always has a smile on her face and a readiness to help someone in need. This letter is beln<j written by me J.D. Roddle for all of us as a plea for our beloved Sister Mary Ellen. We are all praying that an all merciful Holy Trinity p;rnnt U3 this request.
May the grace and peace of the Iloly Spirit be with you always and Bless you for taking time to read and answer this request. Ood Sle33 America and all of you. We are awaiting your reply , Dear Mother Superior.
dft. Jt>? £>. A?c £>-0/£

Kiln History Document (117)
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