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Application must made at the Circulation L^yk.	Room	will	be assigned
in	the order in which request are received.
The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to review, accept, or reject any or all applications.
No fee will be charged for the use of the meeting	room	when	the program
is	presented by the library or when the program is co-sponsored by the
Friends of the Library.
No admission charge may be made	for	any program	held in	the library. No
sales or other money transactions	of	any	kind may be	made, nor may the room
be used for any commerical purpose. The exception is for the Friends of the Library.
Memberships and payment cf dues nay not be solicited in the library building except by the Friends of the Library.
The fact that a group is permitted to meet in the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement	of	the	group's policies or	beliefs.
Neither the name nor address	of	the	library may	be used	as the official
address or headquarters for an organization.
No refreshments may be served other than coffee, tea, or cold drinks served in disposable containers, and cookies or sandwiches prepared away from the library. All supplies must be provided by the group using them.
Refuse must be removed from the library and deposited in outside waste receptacles.
The Library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, material, or other items owned by a group or individuals and used in the library; and such materials must be removed from the library at the end of the meeting for which they are used.
Organizations holding meetings assume financial responsibility for any damage to room and contents.
Satisfactory arrangements must be made with the Library Director for operation of the Library's audio-visual equipment.
No smoking is allowed.
The Library retains the right to cancel a reservation granted an outside group for a Library room, but only in order to use the room for Library purposes. If such a reservation is cancelled, at least 2h hours notice will be given.
The library must be left in a neat and orderly condition. If not, notice will be given to the group that a second offense will result in its being denied further use of library rooms. No cooking is allowed in,any library room by any group.
Group activities involving more than normal wear and tear on the room will not be permitted.

Libraries Hancock County Meeting-Room-Policies-(2)
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Hancock County Historical Society
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