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dtnrth records). MArfUA BoabdmAJT,
_ her 27th your (Raoittaft, lot. cit.) i tot V _ ton vital records), TaliHxa [Aim] DaoO* . Attt. 1846. aged 89 Tear* (Raonna, lot. cit.). SbJ , ?siA iidtilt, with her eldest daughter, Talitta. 22 wfc" ?*'?'w
<Hft srifs, b. at Boltoo (Bolton vital records)^;
________L U Mar 1777: m. 17 Oct 1798 Erastus Devtt-
?JtMt*,. bH#t 11 Mav 1779; <L 1 June 1779.
CWMMl br (Mood wife:
.	1	TMtM, A 2S Oct 1802 Josiah Baker of Tolland, Com. *:
, ?	_____ -4. Nmc*, b, 21 Mar. 1786; d. tmm. 30 Jan. 1877, aged 91 ycaf*.;
" 5. Jo*m, b. 20 May 1788; d. 18 Mar. 1857, ftgtd 68 yean. '*
' 6. 4a*tt*ftU B-j b. 11 May 1790.
7.	CjWlMtt, bi 5 Mar. 1792; m. 2 Oct 1822 Chester Daggett i
Gttrttrtry, Com*	,
a Printer, b. 21 Mar. 1795; d. 9 Apr. 1836, aged 41 yean. .)??
9.	Cahk. b. 23 July 1797; d. 26 May 1885, aged 88 fan;
?n. 30 Nov. 1826 Maria Skinner, who d. 12 Mar. 1885, aged 15 yeats.
10.	Dr. Sdmuel Daggett, b. 1 Jan. 1801.
18.	Cam. Jonathan4 Carver (David,* John,* RobertM, of Canter-bury, Conn., Montague, Northfield, and Deerfield, Mass., and * London, England, bom at Weymouth 13 Apr. 1710 (Weymouth Vital Records), died in London 31 Jan. 1780. He married firtt, at Canterbury, 20 Oct. 1746 (Congregations Church records), Abigail Robbins, bom at Canterbury and baptized there 17 Apr. 1726 (ib.), daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Robbins of Canterbury; and secondly, in London, Mary-------------------, who survived him.
He moved from Canterbury to Montague, Mass., about 1749, was at Northfield in 1754, and lived later at Deerfield. He served irt the Colonial Army throughout the French and Indian War (1755-1763), being on the muster roll of Capt Elijah William* in 1755, a captain at the fall of Fort William Henry in 1757, when he was wounded, a second lieutenant under Capt John Hawkes in 1758, a lieutenant under Capt Selah Barnard in 1759, and afterwards a captain under CoL. John Whitcomb and Colonel Saltonstall.
After the conclusion of peace in 1763 he resolved to explore the territory east of the Mississippi acquired bv Great Britain from France and started on his expedition from Boston m June 1766. He travelled in all as much as 7000 miles, and explored much of the territory in the present State of Minnesota. He spent some time with the Indians, and is said to have received from two of their chiefs a deed to 12,000 acre* of land on the Mississippi, east of Lake Pepin and the Falls of St. Anthony. This deed was conveyed to others after nis death. He returned to Boston in October 1768, and, having spent his entire fortune in carrying out his explorations, J* sailed the next year for England, where he petitioned the Government for a reward for his services. He received nothing, except permission to publish his journal and charts. I? 1778 the first edition of his book appeared in London, under
') Robert Carver and Some of Hit Descendants 229
Tnvefa Throughout the Interior For thia he received nothing except
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title, ?Three Yean?
Parts of North America.? _______________________________________B
Ws expenses, and less than two years later he died in poverty.
*	After his death the book had a large sale, and before the close of the century eight editions had been published. (See Sheldon?s History of Deerfield, vol. 2, p. 102, and the Wisconsin Magasine of History for March 1920.)
Children by first wife, the first two born in Canterbury and the others at Montague (Sheldon?s History*) :
Maby,* b. 8 Apr. 1747; m. at Montague, 18 [or 10] July 1765, Simeon King of Montague.
Abigail, b. 29 May 1748; n. (intention recorded at Montague,
10	Sept 1774) Joshua Goal of Montague.
Sabah, b. 8 June 1750; m. at Montague, 19 June 1775, Sakctl Chubch of Montague.
Rufus, b. 14 Dec. 1754; living at Sodus, N. Y., in 1837 (Sheldon?* History); m. at Montague, 16 (or 6] Nov. 1780, Pmit-cilla Cummings of Hinsdale, N. H., who d. at Brandon, Vt, 8 July 1832, aged 73 years (Brandon town records).
In the Revolution he was a soldier from Northfield and Deerfield, and took part in the Battle of Bunker Hill and in the campaign in which Bnrgoyne and his troops were taken prisoners. He moved from Deerfield to Brandon, and afterwards went to Sodus. (Cf. Sheldon?s History of Deerfield, voL 2, p. 104.)
Children (order of births uncertain):
1.	Fanny," b. 16 Dec. 1781: m. 22 Aug. 1795 Seth Keeler (?randon town records).
2.	Levens (?).
3.	Jonathan.
4.	Sally, b. in 1788; m. at Brandon, 19 July 1815, Ebenezer Warner (ib.).
Abigail, m. at Brandon. 8 Sept 1811, David R. Beal (ib.). Oltve, m. at Brandon, 24 July 1813, Walter Cooley (ib.). Mindwell, m. at Brandon. Z3 Nov. 1826, Henry Ambler (ib.).
8. 9.
Polly, d. at Brandon 7 May 1827, in her 31st year (Hi.). Lucy, d. at Brandon 20 Feb. 1803, aged 14 months (ib.). Olive, b. 9 July 1757 [or 1758]; m. at Montague, 19 July 1781, Moses Gunn of Montague.
Jonathan, b. 3 Jaa 1759.
Mind well, b. 1 May 1762.
Children by second wife, bom in London;
?WL A child, d. young, after 1780. ix. 'Maktha.
19.	David4 Carver (David* John? Robert1), of Canterbury, Conn., bom at Weymouth 14 Sept 1713 (Weymouth Vital Records),
|vj 1W4 nit of tbe town of Sunderland (new in Franklin Coanty, Ifaja.) waa eatak-district of Mootamie. tod this district was made s town, in 1775. It He* of tbe town of Deerfield, on which it border*. The "Vital Records of Montacoe,? ^ ?* end of the year 1849, recently (1954) published by the Essex Institute in tbe form J *5* trr*n*en?ent spproved by the Commonwealth of Maasachnsetta, fires the births Kqfos, Olive, Jonathan, and MindweQ Carver, eUldren of Jonathan (No. 18) and 332? Carrer, and the marriages of Mary, Abifafl, Sarah, Rnfas, aad OUre Carrer, F?*? M the same parents. With the exception of three dates, which are eocloaed in *n the list of children taken from Sheldon, the published "Vital Records of Mon*
5L?v!!reei w'th the list of children of Jonathan and Abifail Carrer five* by Sheldon. Jr , ,^al Records of Montafne" is bound in a voltnne contain! of the Vital Records of two Massachusetts towns published by the Esaex Institute, namely, Bock land and Colrain, ^**land coming first in tbe volume.

Carver 一document-048
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