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After Pearl Comity' was abolished, nor'clicm cyndicaces bought the virgin forest of tiic south f;vr a. very s<Eall svm? of the tir.ibcr was located in r'sarl Cour.ty- D- A., iUodgett v/as the main purchases~
Hy an act of the Legislature in 1830, the County of Pearl Kivex-was orgajiisedo It had the saine seat as Pearl County; two districts each were taken from Hancock arid. Marion to form the new county<. "Pearl'1 could not be used as a name for the county by a law passed by the Legislature and River was added to the old na.?ne_T thus making the complete name of "Pearl River County",,
The principal land-owncrs at the time of the re-organization of Pearl River County were:	A? 0.. F., Ra?is, v,foplar?; Jiw Is Jim Bilbo?
Wc Calvin Stewart, Joel Haughr;ian.. Luther Pwivls, J-. !?.? Stci;art., Jim Ivheat and Albert Airackei'n Their cle?u3 v/ere iGGStly along the banka of Pearl River., where the land is very fertile?
A railroad -./as begun after Peer! County K?S abolished, aud completed scsietiine afterward?? Alter the ort-eiii sation of Tcavl River Comity it uaa the ;;:ain source of rapid progress rcaue by the,
The first officers; vf Icarl River Ccvxity ?/ore gppointfiu by Govo John Marshall Stone* They wore:	Col^ J., >k Olivers, Sheriff; T0 R-,
White, Clerk; J,, L? Bor-ncr, Supt* of Education; aud A., Bp Fn Rawls, generally known a,c the father of the county* was se'-.ected a-j urccide;;t of the Ucard
> ? ?* of Supervisors, who were; 1?- E0 V.lllior.-.s, 1-U Ssith, Joseph Wheat, and Thomas I-isrtin? Two of those iucaibcrs arc .livii?r;i tcd.&yn They are Janies H, Sciith and. F0 l?a Willinr.3, Thor-je officers* salaries were very small and the function of their poaitiv>ns war; *iuite different from the official duties of today-, Every man had to vrar?c the road eight days each yo?.r, regardless of position; business was stopped in order for the .vion to weri;.

Frye History-of-Pearl-River-pg-2
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