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0|??*lir accordance with.the custom gener-. vfe'fftlJy approved by' all'good citizens1 of l^jproporly colobrating! the anniversaries fcp^j|pf great'events,in our glorious history;' rtivand ? whereas the 12th (day ol October 'jt^^ anniversary ?of the discovery of ?%^our beloved land, and properly designated:	-u:f-
Sf^^^^OLTJMBUS DAYV1:^ ' ^^r.^tho^undorsigned,' ?" Mayor of the ^^CityV^of Bay ' St. Louis^ do hereby ;^^jjroclaim,the said 12th day'^of October a holiday,' and call upon^ll^,citizens to g^do,their utmost in making"it a gala ^^evont by. putting aside? ^heir1 business &;jcares?and participating in the celebra-' t. '? ?	/'?'	i ("?. );
Witness my hand and seal this 7th lay of October.	?	?	?
||^(8^al)';>^Signed: L. B. CAPDEPON o'?	?	'	Mayor	'
?ag|,?a!:. -?	---:--------------
FOR SALE?-Two pianos; apply to plj-Mrt; T. L. Trawick, Front* street.
Prof. C. L. Sutherland, ol the Cen-?":.tral school, is sponding today In New . Orleans.	'	? V
?J^/-Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ladner spent I^the Week-end in JNew Orleans with re-^.latiyes and friends. ;
.^iiirs.'L. Eagan spent the week-end In ?New Orleans,, visiting her sister, Mrs, ?E.J.? Calogne, and daughter Miss Made-P^lln^Eagan. ;V-' V ,". ??	??
lAf^Mr.^and Mrs. J, Axson ftiley, of New .j/Orleans, . spent Sunday . with Mrs. ^?^Riley?s ?parents, Mr. and Mrs- Alcide .^Moran at Cedar Point. '	?.
.?^.Arohlteot John Henry is' engagod' in
T.nnfa ??ni1	AtrtiT
van i
,? A native ot Rouen * Fteinc6i?born*tjt; that place NoyembefJ16ilM^Bh8-^'i^%(5? ? years ot age ~1 At the age <j:
Orleans and;'
1846, caiSe!tc _ .	.	c
here>'contiriiioualyXeyetfBincei^ai fond of ?la ..Bde^^and^;'^onia&|^iE; aotive | and /Trem^kabf4.^entaiit^tttil(i whose enthUslaBtlo^ifadg'anUi'profeFesf sive spirit Were eyer ^lde&Ufled-With^tlii constructive eleme^^^ib^^tiild?My Sti Louia.'nShe waa'^omatfof Jojilju^ and literary Vatta.inmenta.^^^S.,*?^^
' Her ?'charities Vwerej^unro^^dMft' time of pestilence,' flrdf-?flddd^^d^gTO|.-eral ? calami ty' Mfsr,!; Garde bled tal took .the? initiative^ini?;rilsing.^und&to succor the-needy,|/')In ihl6?Belfj6acflfi(5<| ing and ennobling'work ;8ha\wM'iIwayl successful and.thi^.Ayas^u'e^^z^loUd spirit and in^efatigabie efforts, ed by a sense of love and ^tenderness*#!;
At an early age'ehe married Hypblite Gardebled ?Vwhd^ p^oceedfed her W f the grave somey twenty-six?or'twenty^ev6ii years si^oe,meeting his'death'accjdehi tally, ?a
while engaged ? in;houfie ''biillclingi^To this .?! unions t^ree ^BO^s^^d^h'rfte daugbterfl-^were,',-tfofe'fnameiy,^Mrt/i Eulalie Fay ard, Mrsf Fi6ir6nce76mSlke'r^ Hlties, ;
Bay SC.?-, ex-mayor 6f Lafayette ? I^f^fedwar&'CT, Gardobled,Tof ^this'/6it^ihii-tH^'late,

Gardebled obit-Celine-Gardebled-1
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Hancock County Historical Society
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