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O.S2. Oct. 2;
? T
?.e c--r.'-Lic;c<i ?
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?u:v l,Y.:.or:;'. I!?V.Je ;.ml I :	^OurL;.:-cr	tho	Gulf/
. :	Itoi.s,	wife
W. .J'ji*o? New Or-1
Mrs. James W. Burns Buried Here
rfcc I?uncval or Mrs. V/.
nsciii c: IJiy V.. :
. vvny -:	v.'i'.en
; or	u:	ciea
many i.Lic \v;:o 1 lOVCu iiCi'.
th c r/.i
U7ld il.
....i.w	.jJi;.:- o: i\t\V Ul-M i j
and lir.y Si. I-vjia, who .tat-;' | I
> ;
'vi. Burns died'in Xcw Orleans a ion;-; iilr.cis.
M;.?. LuiT.i? fc*n?or husband, the ..?? (.aston Gardebladi was at one ? ? c x?yj? cf B<ty Si*. lcuis> '?lurvivinj are four daughters, 1-j. Loris Ord, Mrs. Michael Lu-Mrs. A. Knowles ot* Atlanta, i., ana Mrs. Imia Bolen of New .-.Oii'Hs; and two sons, Gaston iiivichlade and Neveile Gardeblade. Ir.rermcRt was * in Cedar Rest s:r*e;ery.
*> o? v ??? ?>
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CF>LI*? G\KT)^I'L'?D?
-::vcv|ue V. Gardebled died at'zernoou a- 2:00 o'clock, '.r.;' an illness of rr.r.r.y months.
? .;uoo!v:d was coruinuti to his . u r.ior.vh: when the end came.
> C'.n -Jay 17, ISfc-, at Bay :	j'.lt.;.	lie	v.x:;	educated	at
.. .siv.i-? <V.!e;:. v.t t?^at p!ace. ... ;;rLr^i: - by cccu;.>atiun and c the liruj b;.s:ne.*.s here for y- ..13.
CaniebUd CDrr.. here 35 years : *.vent tc work a dra^isfc . V.TIiara Clcv'- After v-jmain-: k-ht employ of Mr. ?U-gg for r ff.ycrrs, ha i*:urched in the
?	? : or hln'.self at the corner oj: .???'tc:'. ..nci Ver.'.iih^n street, at .,k:.r.u . ? .itKyc/? iV. efcht years j :-ut :?} ycan^? x Comeaux on
?	jardoV.ri .??.c.rveJ ;he ciiy for
C!	yf ..rj .vs itj ireasjrer
lUioh	co!i	>c.?or	cr.d
i.crnbtr	ol	?.w;u oi*v c?urcil.?He
-	ci	.ro lio . ??. Oi Sap-
:	jf.i .	At I
..??;r cf ..'.0 | : i-.crvoc ?.s	{
.?af-. ber*.i'd. !
n?*?:. *??-<*? ?
?I , I? . {n J
... r. ?.-rJ
! Mrs, Gardfib?M Remembered
'Gulf Coast Resort of 184?. j
y\ ' liurns who clicJ at her i\\nv Orleans . j j. j home on Sunday, October 20, was. ;.j j. 'held'here iroiu the Falu-y runerai; I J Home o?.i Tuesday, October, 22, a; 4j t l?' I	with religious services at Cur
j Lady of the Gul? Catholic Church,
\ j ^u! Rev. Father O'Brien ofiiciatinti. .^1 Interment was in Cedar Kest cemetery.
Mrs. Burns, the former Miss Mary I E. Huber, was a native ol Bay St.
I Louis and. by her first marriage was the wife of Gaston Gardebled also | of this city. After his death she mar-j ried Mr. Burns and made her home in New Orleans. Besides her hus-.{band she leaves four daushters, Mrs.
?	i Laris Ard, Mrs. Michael Lucai, Mrs. j Andrew Knowles, of Atlanta Ga.; 'j Mrs. Irma Bolen. New Orleans; two
i j s I epch ildrcn7*Mrs7 Gordon Ay stir, ana
?	James C. Bitrns of Houston, "TPexas; twenty-two '^IfHndchildren and three
1. great grandchildren.
Mi's. Burns was one o: the civic minded women of our city avid headed many movements for the advance-
V: ^ .-f-r?iLV,
??w. i*; HK'r	t
.? li ii'ijd-i *.?*? ,x? i-rc*5<*i ^ ^ l'< iI-;; l'"t li.C ?
,:y ti
fa^i.vs mhioU ?7? . W"	if*' it ;!*r? ft
.	ffcntlviiJKJi jr*.
'? l-rulo 1? d v^iy i>r<-(tr hrt:ar;;i*. wIjo
- ,Mrs. Huber recci vod a letter : j authorities at Zurich, S*.v?i2:;ria?.;-^	\ te^y, announcing the doa:h o:
'husor.nd, Joseph Huber, a"ea-7S v which oeeurrcd ut that place, his i<?Zt Ou 't?n? .J7U) d?.y o? Av.^ar,:. sides his w*.dow, he leave* an only :
r UM !>^*u j:cc:rJ.v aii:iilrn*V. ii.ii r?n?l:V?l as v	^.f	<?:	111*?	liny.	Mr.	:?.nl
' ti-''1 .v*?	"*i.!	occupy a
v	.nrooue.	A
^	\SV*.Uc*l.?/	???.??Lifci; il.?	31 J?	o3?
r/i?. 11. ?	ynusiff laJ.?t> at t!m n*~.
?'( .?n?l ?t.\ Gatvu>n	wi'M <i 11 tetlj' n;ftr?
?j roiS at Ibi* t'niloiir <niur-*li J?/ iJor. r'?H>cr .1 111 us?. Tim	briii.-, wh*?	in	4 h(*4u:iful	4S>1
/nun/ la.Jj. \tnu l?*? j|fi? uf ?:?>.*( ?: ?*rro jhK?IjI	Tn? 2r<??n la In er-'ry-
M *'.y r.M.-:hy	of f.10 b:i-le	V bi? tron.	>'bo
I; r^Mfv cAu.ile	will b?> ?;	:?? ttu'lr friend
Mr*. Gascon G. Gardebled, of tfc:.< c-.y, { Who, wich her mother, is iho o-.iy s.;r- 5 viving hoir to a considerable arac .c o. ? wealth. Mr. Kuber wad well isncvv ?' tho older residents of Bay St. Lo-whero be resided and wa3 in l about t-venty years ago.	j
it i'J ". J ci/ co::cm_rir.U.l 1,. f ^
I, '
?	Celine	GaiTc'eMcd. 8?y St;)i Louis
'SpreU! in The Tln?ofc-l*icayun< - ^ **
wa\ >*:?.- Co.
IJ?y SI. Louis. M;?.. Oct. S.- Jlr*.	',1
<:..><!< l>lo<l .U.'il -Jfn. -tM* i?or?lns w'.-to'.'V, ofl'*r	of sev.'.ai tks.
u \ v-il*	to-morrow	at	M.	M
(vtnMf.fv.	tU?	rr::x*\fACt	Oi
"	iv-t.vv^	V*i?y:tr?l.	lo-
.M ( OJMr>??l?*:i v.i*s
? u.!*1

Gardebled Obit-Celine-Gardebled-2
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Hancock County Historical Society
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